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Posts posted by Singermania

  1. Steve,

    I am talking with some guy about a Lanids 3 For Sale I had good leads on some really cheap ones but they have sold now. This new lead has rebuilt his Landis 3 and has the original stand that these machines sat on before they even had motors on them it's sort of like a bicycle pedal one but this one you just move your foot up and down and this is how it power your Landis 3 he does want a pretty penny for it but its worth it being all original. I will let you know what happens with this one. Take care!


    HI, yep can't say what would be a good price. I paid a combined amount for the Randall in England and got a Pearsno no 6 bobbin winder, 2x floor standing riveters and a floor standing guillotine..... just how you'd break it down is hard to say. On your travels if you happen to come across Pearson and Landis #1 treadles I'd love to have them as spares as they often get broken in shipment.

  2. You caught my attention when you mentioned riveters. I just bought an old french fly press riveter. I ahve ordered some dies for snaps and double cap rivets, which I will machine to fit.

    I would love a foot press riveter, like the weaver heritage, but at $700 ex-usa, that is a bit steep.

    Please post picks of the riveters, just so i can drool a little.


    Hi Tony, that;s a nice press, I often see them for sale overseas but can't justify the expense of shipping them here. I did have a picture of the riveter at one stage but have lost it, I think there are two riveters, a floor standing guillotine and the Randall all from the one place. The grandson of a saddler sold it all off at once along with other things I was too slow to score.

  3. Hi Tony,

    I'm down to 8 Pearsons at present in the 'big iron shed', the core items are the German, French, British and British for John O'Flarety in Canada, surplus French or British I sell off when someone enquires and then I can buy something else. My latest shipment has just landed at Brissie docks, there should be 3 Pearsons on that, a beautiful Champion on the bicycle treadle stand with the tractor seat, some Singer 133K8 and K17, Randall, Singer 11-20 long cylinger arm walking foot, riveters and guillotine on stands and some tools. After that in storage at the UK waiting for enough machines to send are 6 Pearson no 6 and a Singer 132K6.

    Best Regards Steve

  4. Hi Tony, your shuttle went off the other day just in case you haven't recieved it and are wondering whether I posted it..... Yes we'd love to see you up here in Bundy, I love people looking at my machines, though I get a bit embarrassed sometimes at the state of them and the poor display facilities that I have.

    You're right I've been thinking about video of the machines running for some time and also a blog. I started what I thought was a Google sponsered blog called blogger a few days ago but it doesn't seem to be picked up by the google search engine, I"m a bit backward on these things.

    My gear on ebay goes around and around, just every now and then I put on something new, I use the free ad facility so usually just run the core machines to try to maintain some income to fund my purchasing.

    Regards Steve

  5. HI Ralph, I'd forget that no 6 unless it drops to or below 2000, that should be enough in the US, here they are dearer, but thats cos we're an island and everything has to be imported. There are two other machines of interest, one is a copy of the no 6 and called a Samco and the other is a Jones and is a copy of the no 2. .... don't see too many around.

    As Tony says I need to get some video of the machines, also I think if you do some you tube stuff you get higher up on the search lists.

    I know what you mean about things always being somewhere else...I always hear about these wonderful sales with so many great machines, but no matter how much I search I can't seem to find these things..grrrr

    Best Regards STeve

  6. Hi Gordon, yes I tend to go on a bit about my machines, I guess most of my life I've struggled and now that I can afford to have a few things I'm still excited about it and sometimes I reread my posts and think they sound braggish or conceited. I tried to send the Adler 4&5 manual to you but its too big, if you email me back I'll send it that way and any other manuals that I have you might like..... stevebonnett at dodo dot com dot au

    Likewise I've put on some fairly lengthy topics a couple of times with almost no response, a lot of people read but don't reply and you kinda worry that you've offended or bored or something else.

    Regards Steve

  7. Wow, what a great find, wish I could find sales like that here.!!! Yes thats the back corner of my shed that houses the Pearsons and Pearson parts. You'll have to extend your list of machines on your profile. I have the Patent Elastik manual care of Black Dogg if you need it. Also this morning Dr Stark sent me the Adler 4&5 manual in German if you need that, I'd been looking for years for it. Regards Steve

  8. HI Ralph, well that's high praise, literally music to my ears. I do think of myself as the main Pearson man in Australia. The top man with the greatest knowledge I believe though is Les in England, really no doubt about that.

    I'll attach a couple of photos for you of my two kerosene lamps from a No 6, took me years to find. I did find one a couple of years before these but it went missing in transit.... sadly..



  9. HI, I think Cowboy Bob is right, Singer made available operators and parts manuals, I have a general 45K operator manual if you want one, but don't recall seeing the engineers' version, though I do have one for the 132K6. The machine is not super complex, I'd just take a good look at how it works and go from there. As for similar machines the 45K also came out as an Adler, Claes, Wertheim, Atlas, Phoenix, Titan, Pfaff and so on. And in more recent times as the GA5 etc etc.

    The machine is easy to operate, easy to time and will last forever.

    Regards Steve

  10. HI Ralph, hope you get more response, maybe takes some time for people to log on and have a browse around. Yes I had a Seiko CH-8B, it was like the Rolls Royce of machines, most of my machines are for sale, that means I can keep buying more. Really there was no comparison between it and the 441 clones that I've had here or seen at other people's premises. It was heavier, smoother, higher quality in every way. Even things that are identical like the bobbin winder was a whole different ball game, it didn't bend when you push the bobbon on.....

    Its limit was 3/4", that was the presser foot opening and t sewed right up to that without any faltering. I've only had two of these machines and loved them both. I'm retired now apart from the machines, but when I was an upholsterer/motor trimmer I never had a good machine, always had worn out old wrecks, no walking foot, no needle feed, no reverse, too busy putting money into the family and the horses and travel. Its only now that I can enjoy these kind of machines. However even with crumby machines I still did my upholstery work, vintage and muscle cars, tennis nets, tarps, awnings, saddles, harness, golf buggy covers, boat biminis, seating for whale watching fleets, even did sets of drum covers for bands like AD/DC.

    Ralph, I often put things on this site because it helps me get the word out on my collection, it gets quickly picked up by Google. So whilst I enjoy the friendship when you see me listing machines and mentioning things that we've already spoken about I'm not really just bragging, I hoping to let people know the collection is here to view.

    Best Regards Steve

  11. HI Ralph, good luck with the search, I have some Champions, some Singer 97-10 (I think you mean 97-10 and not 97-19) and a Randall and a dozen Pearson no 6, but I'm over in Oz so no good to you. Love to see what you turn up. There is another machine that also interests me, its a Singer 98-3, it was used to sew sidewalls onto the treads of old tyres many years ago. I'll attach a photo along with a photo of a recent purchase, its a Pearson no 6 with a near complete brass and copper heating system, I'm pretty excited about it.

    Regards Steve



  12. Thanks Ralph, you wouldn't believe just how quickly I printed out those Claes and Durkopp manuals and also saved them to disk. As you know we have a number of remanufactured pearson no 6 parts now, for example the flywheel handle and the rein rounder attachment. Someone sent me a foto a rein rounder attachment for another machine a while back and I stupidly lost the foto, if anyone has a rein rounder attachment for any machine other than a Pearson I'd love to see it. As these attachments are hard to get for most machines we have an idea of making a universal one.. but need to see some more examples before jumping in.

    Black Dogg, I just love those manuals, they are the originals, not cleaned up, rescanned, soulless ones.

    Regards Steve

  13. HI Black Dog,

    Really can't tell you how pleased I am that you've posted the links to these manuals. I have the Singer and Adler versions but have been looking for years, even on the German sites, for the old Durrkopp and Colibri Elastik manuals. I have a number of these old machines and have also sold some and have had to make up my own manuals for buyers, with photos of threading up and threading the bobbin cases.

    My collection is now 95 strong and I'm in the process of getting it to museum status, so am over the moon to get these manuals.

    Thank you so much again.

    Manuals I can supply that have not been previously available.....

    Champion, Pearson No 6, Landis #1, Adler 20 series, Singer 132K6, Singer 45K, BUSMC A1, BUSMC Pilot.

    Manuals I still would like...

    Randall, Campbell Bosworth, Bauer, Landis #3 and #16, Pearson no 2, other Champion manuals, Cyclone User manual, Singer 133K8 and 17, Singer Darners (133K....), National Harness Machine.

    Regards and Thanks Steve

  14. I was reading not long ago someone claiming that there is common a needle that is the same as the 97x4 EXCEPT that it is 1/16th or 1/32 longer. But I can't for the life of me remember where I read it. So they just carefully grind the shank down that much and they work. Might be worth checking in case that is true.

    That'd be the Singer 1000 needle used in the bigger Singer 7 class machines...about 2mm

  15. You hear stories that some machines never had operator manuals, however I'm not so sure. For years people said there was no manual for the Singer 132K6 and the Pearson no 6 cos they were leased machines, however eventually I got them from Engalnd and now they are on the net. So I'd think that there was probably a manual for the Cyclone, just have to track it down... or there may be a cardboard fold that has basic instructions. If you can get the Landis manuals and Union Lockstitch that'd be excellent... however if I can get them on my computer earlier I'll let you know. Ronn on leatherpros hasn't answered me yet.

    Regards STeve

  16. Thanks Bruce, I'll take a look.

    HI Ralph, yes got the images thank you. Looks like your taste and mine in machines is similar, I would think any manual that you don't have that interests you would be the one I would love the most. Obviously if your friend has a cyclone operators manual then grab that. After that a Union Lockstich, after that Landis 1,3 or 16, after that a National or Goodyear Harnesss Machine.

    Regards STeve

    I am not sure if they will have all you are looking for, but ShopTalk has a pretty extensive collection of manual reprints for sale. Here's a link - ShopTalk

    Hi Bruce, thanks for that, I'lll take a look and see what I can find. Still hoping to get some free ones if poss though.

    Regards Steve

  17. HI Ralph,

    Thanks so much for your reply, I noted quite a few things down. Really like the display case idea and have been checking out local auction houses for old shop stock, older the better, when I get out the Pearson attachments and parts to photograph for someone it reminds me how good they look all lined up. Especially the rein rounder attachment as theres a good 5 minute story about how to use it.

    Originally I had the idea of the old manual archive stored here, however leatherworker would always be better known and so thats the best place for it, though I would still like to collect as many as possible in the meantime. Sometimes when I get a machine into the collection I spend hours on the net trying to find a manual, one tip is to write what you want in German or French etc so you get the search going there too. Recently found the Adler 20 series manuals on a German site, I'd been looking for a long time for them. Other manuals are still elusive like the BUSMC no 2 & 4 and sometimes in the Singer range the parts manual is available but there is not operator manua. Many other organisations have data banks of manuals and photos like ISMACS, however they all have the same ones or carry links to each others. Yet again there are many sights that claim to have manuals and lead you through a maze of sign ups and software deals and of course there is really nothing there at the end.

    We mostly get small groups coming for a look thru word of mouth, a recent visits came from the owner and trainers, Begsy, Dave and Hank, from the Burrum river Saddlery School.

    Haven't had any luck with this posting re manuals yet, but am hopeful that someone will remember a manual in a drawer somewhere and send a copy to us.

    Regards Steve

  18. HI All, I'm also casting around for ideas for displays, for example should machines be grouped by.... manufacturer, by year, by condition etc. What items of interest would be good to have around the machines... photos? needles? people working with them? accessories? What safeguards should I put into place to stop people damaging, stealing or sewing their finger to a peice of leather?

    If you read this item pls don't just pass over it, but take some time and give me your ideas.

    Regards STeve

  19. HI post bed machines are best for shoes and boots as they are open on one side, however if the 360 degree access your are thinking of is up a jacket arm or trouser leg you wont really have the access that you might imagine. For something as complicated as you are indicating I'd suggest taking your item to the machines and trying them. We have a long arm Singer darner here in our collection, with a leather needle it will sew reasonable thicknesses in any direction without turning the job, however the stitch is ok for repair work but not as tight as a leather worker might demand. We have another machine that is a very old patcher, again it will sew in any direction, however this one is BIG and dwarfs the old Singer 29K. Here is a link showing a fellow on a darner.. ..

    . Regards Steve
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