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About Mcox

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  1. Mcox

    Double Butts

    Try Roger Folmar- RJF Leather Co, He is in NY and if he doesnt have what your looking for he can point you in the right direction. He has a website and is an advertiser on this site.
  2. It depends on the thickness of the leather you typically use for your saddle. I have seen Bison skirting which was 13 oz in the butt and around 7oz in the shoulder. So yes you could make Bison for a saddle, but you have to have enough hides to sort or enough leather to sort for thickness. Also something to consider, bison have terrible cutting yields due to holes and scratches in the leather. If your friend does not mind this and his hides are big enough than yes it should work if you have a tannery willing to do the work.
  3. Try National Leather Supply in Fort Worth. Great people
  4. What type of moccs are you making? If you are looking for white alum tanned latigo for soles try Crazy Crow in Texas.
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