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    brevard county, florida

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  1. Hey, all. I've got a couple of new items to put up for critique, both custom ordered by a kind old gentleman in Kentucky who had bought an older holster of mine off eBay. Luckily he liked these, let me know what you think. This one is for a Judge 3" Magnum, has a thumb snap for added retention. This is an improved version of a 1911 holster I made before. Thanks
  2. Hey guys. Here are some pics of a spare mag holder I just finished. Has a belt loop for OWB carry and an adjustable tension screw. It works great, retains the mag very well.
  3. Hey guys. Sorry if this isn't on topic, but I wasn't sure where else to post it. Does anyone know who sells the blue dummy gun for a Taurus Judge with 3" cylinder? Thanks.
  4. Quite perceptive of you, Big O. Yes, I did have a hell of a time getting that glock into the wet holster as far as did, it literally took all of my strength. I definitely cut that trigger guard stitch line too close. I guess I'll give it another quarter inch (maybe?) of clearance or so next time. Thanks for your commentary once again. You've helped out a lot with my previous stuff. I made a nice little tool for doing the edges. I just took a short length of oak dowel, put a wood screw through it, cut the head off the screw, and stuck it in the dremel. I burnish first with just water, then go over it again with beeswax. Ends up looking pretty good, especially with black dye. And gets the job done FAST, like in minutes. And yeah. My great-grandparents were mountain gorillas :D
  5. Hey, folks. Here's my latest effort. Twin loop IWB for Glock 17 with mouth reinforcement. Went with natural main body and black belt loops. In action:
  6. WOW. That is freaking stylish. Great job, bud.
  7. No, I didn't miss the point. I understand (after the fact) why it's not a safe idea. All I'm asking is, couldn't a [right-handed] customer intending on carrying in this fashion simply order a normal left handed holster from you (perhaps with adjustable cant) and just wear it in the 5:30 position? That's what it basically boils down to. But yes, knowing what I know now, I'll not build such a holster if I'm aware the customer wants to use it this way.
  8. Hehe. Well, learn something new everyday, I guess. You guys do have a point. Although, I suppose anyone could simply order a left-handed holster and wear it at 5:30.
  9. This is my first holster made for a customer. He wanted an IWB for his Baby Eagle compact, in a special configuration. It looks like a left-handed holster, but is actually for a right-handed draw. He wants it to ride in the 5:30 area with a backward cant. He finds this a more comfortable way to draw. Holster is equipped with dual belt loops (for 1 7/8" belt) with Pull-The-Dot snaps, with multiple mounting locations for full cant and ride height adjustment. Holster also has skin guard and front sight channel. Inside surface is burnished.
  10. Thanks for the advice guys, y'all are awesome. As far as the closed muzzle, I'm thinking that would be a customer option (open or closed muzzle), with disadvantage made known beforehand. I do like the looks though, and it would be ok with proper maintenance. Good point about the belt slot being way out there, my thinking with that was the farther apart the belt attachment points, the more stability you'd have. Maybe not though. Big O, that upward stitch at the front sight is actually my F-up, I meant to make it straight all the way down. In reality, I molded a front sight channel inside the holster, so no snags to worry about. Thanks again you guys, I will proceed with new knowledge.
  11. Here's my latest holster. I call it the Upholder . Outside-waist-band, full coverage retention snap, high ride for easier concealment. Let's hear it, holster gurus! Show no mercy!
  12. I have a #3 Craftool edge beveler in my shopping cart at Springfield Leather. Anyone know if this is the proper size for beveling 7/8 oz leather? Also, how long does it take for a beveler to lose it's edge, and what's the procedure for resharpening? Thanks -Thomas
  13. I just completed this today. Used 4/5 oz tooling leather from Hobby Lobby, best stuff I have access to right now. Used t-nuts to attach the belt snap loops, I like this better than stitching them on, they are easily replaceable if needed. I don't have the proper tools really yet, I've been making do with a dremel sander for edge beveling and a cutting bit for stitch grooving. Worked out ok, but I'd like to order the right tools as soon as I have the cash. I think it looks pretty good, let me know what you think. -Thomas
  14. Great stuff! I have a question... the nice little line along the edge of the holster mouth, what did you use to do that? did you just use a stitch groover? Thanks, chaosready
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