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Posts posted by JJMAC

  1. Do you have a drill press by chance?

    Not sure about IWB. I know the majority of people want IWB, but my OWB offerings have kept me about as busy as I care to be. I have other things I'd like to incorporate into my business, and if I'm always stuck making holsters, it doesn't allow much time for other pursuits.

    no. no drill press. I liked the set up you have on your video...

  2. Looking good! How far away from the edge did you place your stitch line? I usually stick with about 3/16".

    I haven't played much with IWB and snaps, but I'd probably suggest reducing the length of the belt loop a bit - as the leather stretches and wears, I'd be afraid the loop would get loose on the belt - allowing the belt to slip upward (even though you molded a step in the leather), and thus the holster slipping further down into the pants.

    The only other thing I might mention is your edging - it looks like you might have hit the edge with the edger, then burnished it after it was formed and dried in the oven? If so, I suggest you quickly burnish the edges just prior to forming, right after you dunk the holster in water. You'll have to burnish again after it's formed and dried, but this allows you to get a nice rounded edge, which is very hard to do after the holster has hardened from its time in the oven.


    Thanks for the critiques. Not sure how far the stiching line is. Kind of just eyed it. Didnt want to put it to close and risk screwing it up when it came to finishing the edges. Yeah. Still trying to work out the burnishing issue. I really dont have very good tools. Just basic ones. So for burnishing I was just using a dremel with sandpaper bit. Then used a metal bit as the finisher Getting it wet all the while and then using a little gum tra(sp) on it. . I didnt have anything to get a nice round edge.

    When u gonna dabble in IWB. Would love to see what you come up with!

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