Hello, I am a hobbyist leather worker and have really enjoyed and learned from the sharing of information on this forum...
I have recently started tinkering in gun leather and dog training equipment which IMO should/could require heavier snap assemblies than what I have been using (Ligne 24)... I am interested in incorporating the "DOT Pull the Dot" snaps in my work... It is my understanding that these snaps come in a nickle finish, and gov. black finish... In some of my work however, my preference would be a brass finish (at least on the visible cap), and I noticed that the "DOT Durable" comes in a brass finish and that the size of the cap is not very different than the "Pull the Dot" cap (.002in)...
My first question is, has anyone used the brass 'DOT Durable" cap with a nickle "DOT Pull the Dot" Socket???
I'm not completely sold on mixing finishes so, my second question is, are there any other "One Way" snaps that do come with solid brass caps that anyone would recommend???
I've seen IWB holsters advertised as having "one way" snaps on their belt loops, and they were shown with brass caps... I have spent hours on line and talking to folks though, but I just can not find any...
Best Regards