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About Tverd

  • Birthday 02/21/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Russia, Moscow
  • Interests
    dino training, roping, riding, discofox dancing

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    still learning
  • Interested in learning about
    braiding, tooling, bootmaking and leatherwork generally

Tverd's Achievements


Member (2/4)

  1. Read this manual about finishing edges with saddle soap from Bob Park Bobby Finishing Edges.pdf
  2. Wow, color is great! And quality of the braid just awesome, clean and perfect!
  3. For first time your work is just great. I can see some little mistakes but they will be gone when you become more experienced braider. About lace. If the lace wasn't prepared for braiding good enough it may stretch pretty good. And that stretching problem is a really problem)) because when lace is stretched up, it became narrower, so it covers lesser area. Button on the left is over tighten and lace became narrower (but maybe it is just low quality of the lace). Button on the right just perfect Buttons should be thighten firmly. Looks like body is 6 strand round braid. It's not a whip it's just a leash so you can pull strings not so tight, just tight enough to hold the core and prevent sliding of the braid. If in braiding process appears little gaps, and you can't modify your braid (for example from 4 strand to 6 strand, so the strands will cover more arrea and those gaps would be gone), you can hold your starting point and finishin point (or point where you are) of the braid with a thread, and then grab the core and the brain in point where you braiding, and shift the braid towards starting point of the braid relative to the core. Sorry for my english, hope you would get what I tried to explain.
  4. Hi! Great leash and nice fence too))) Photos are to small to critique leash.
  5. Tverd

    Bracelet Fot Me)

    Oh, thank you for very kind comment. By the way, here in Russia we are wearing wedding ring, on the right hand because we are orthodox christians (not sure is this a correct term) or maybe because of some another reasons too. I'm a married man and my wife is amazingly beautiful
  6. Tverd

    Bracelet Fot Me)

    Thank you very much for your very kind comment!
  7. Tverd

    Help Please

    You're welcome
  8. Tverd

    Show Dog Leash

    Great leash! Like it!
  9. Tverd

    Help Please

    I think it's single strand centre braid (by Ron Edwards) or something like that, maybe variation of this braid. Look for it, I think they are very very simillar.
  10. Tverd

    Bracelet Fot Me)

  11. Tverd

    Bracelet Fot Me)

    Thank you very much for your kind words ))
  12. Tverd

    Bracelet Fot Me)

    Hello! This is just chrome tanned leather without any covering like aniline ect. I didn't apply any finish on it, just some saddle soap before braiding. I do like the way it looks)) kinda "distressed" leather))
  13. Just amazing! Where do you get your tools (flat awl)?
  14. Tverd

    Bracelet Fot Me)

    Thanks for kind words Pete
  15. Tverd

    Bracelet Fot Me)

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