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About katiemfree

  • Rank
    New Member

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    sandal and shoe making, I am a beginner!

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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. I have Googled elsewhere and searched the forums here before posting, but I need some help from the experts! I just bought this machine, and I would love some help identifying it. It has "C-2971" on a decal and a serial number "8110227" but no other identifying marks or stamps. And ideas? It works great and I got it threaded correctly using the manual on the TechSew website for their 2971 machine. (Also I know that it's not standard to use button and craft thread on a machine like this, I was just really excited to get it going and didn't have the proper thread.)
  2. Thanks so much for the tip! They must be a popular shop, already had bookmarked their site from a few other threads.
  3. I have been scouring the boards here and learning so much. I appreciate how generous everyone is with their knowledge. I am in the planning stages of setting up a slipper-making business. I have a question about getting a die made. I would like to get sole shapes made with holes punched around the edge for lacing. I have been researching die makers but haven't seen any examples like this. Is this possible? Or is there another way to punch lacing holes more efficiently than one at a time? Thanks for any suggestions.
  4. You showed up on my page. Welcome to leatherworker. fill out your profile, please, and state what your after here. Great site for all things leather.

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