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Everything posted by InspiredTurquoiseTack

  1. Thank you roysisbry! I appreciate it very much, it's a gorgeous nose piece! It's the exact shape I was looking for with the tab sides for conchos.
  2. That would be great, I appreciate it. I just need a few dimensions to get started and can customize thereafter. There is no Tandy store around (wish there were!) and I know that I have heard they had a pattern at one time.
  3. Hello, Does anyone have or know where I can get a bronc halter pattern? I actually only need the pattern for the nose piece, the rest I will use nylon. I would appreciate it very much. Thanks, Gail
  4. Hello, I am new to the forum and am so glad to have found it! I can already tell I am going to learn so much. I have been working with leather and tack for 10 years now and specialize in application of turquoise, silver and gemstones to headstalls, breast collars, etc. I also craft a few of my own items if there is a size issue or something needs modification and I also dye and oil leather as well. I want to get into more of the crafting of leather as well as I have so many ideas that I would like to incorporate into my designs. I also specialize in Native American Reproduction Tack and love working in that concept as well. I use Weaver Leather for most of my ready made tack (I am a Dealer) and use a lot of their leather supply for my needs as well. I run a full service website but most of my sales come from custom orders based off of my website. Anyway, I am happy to be here and know I will learn a lot as this forum is filled with such talent! Gail Travis Inspired Turquoise and Gemstone Tack http://www.redturfranch.com
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