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Everything posted by chainedrose

  1. very nice What braid is that please? could You share the sequence please?
  2. @Kevin is there any proportion in which You use the glycerine and water? do You mix it before and keep ready or while braiding? @curlyjo so any good glycerine based soap should work fine? @ct701996 & roo4u i live in india and so purchasing these products from amazon, ebay etc and then shipping to india nearly doubles the cost for me. i have searched the markets here, but am unable to find a suitable product. so i have been looking for home-made options. @All, i am braiding with latigo cow leather, not rawhide or roo.Thank You for Your suggestions
  3. I have read about the braiding soap recipe of ivory soap, animal fat and water. However I am not keen to handle animal fat. Are there vegetarian options that I can use? Would vaseline + coconut oil(or any other oil) be a good substitute for the braiding soap?
  4. I'd asked about rectangular braids on this thread here http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=33294&st=0&gopid=207090entry207090 and was redirected to this thread. My question maybe rather silly, im still very much a beginner and my copy of Bruce Grant is yet to arrive. If i am attempting the trenza de doce, do i lay out my 12 strands as flat or doubled up as 6 upon 6
  5. Thank You for the replies I'm very new to braiding, and learning mostly from what i read online. My copy of the Bruce Grant Encyclopedia is on its way to me. I've been following the Trenza Patria/Trenza De Doce thread, but im having trouble doing it on my strands. I'll post my query on that thread itself.
  6. I have picked up this picture from http://www.deadringe...P1180320-1.html my query is regarding the wrist band. From what i can see, it appears as a rectangular flat kind of braid, that is finished on both ends. What is such a braid called? and Where can i find instruction on how to do the same, please?
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