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g and g leather

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Everything posted by g and g leather

  1. And I always forget to mention I have a website,its not much but shows some of my work check it out www.gandgleatherworks.com
  2. Hi thanks,Its my first complete saddle,i have been repairing and fixing saddles for a long time,and i finally have the time and some money to start building them so i got an old saddle and tore it down and rebuilt it to what you see here.
  3. Ok I think I got the posting thing down , so heres a picture of the ol saddle before and after
  4. I may have found the maker , J.F. Reisacher of Condon, Oregon. I downloaded a copy of the 1910 Reisacher Saddles catalog.
  5. Can anyone help me id this old saddle.The person I bought it from got it from a lady who had it in her barn in the Yukon and moved south . ]
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