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Everything posted by doug1221

  1. Thanks Dave that was a big help. I have gotten lots of tips on how to do them but it's nice to see it laid out in pictures for some of us more simple minded folk lol.
  2. Wish I had a sewing machine lol. I don't usually end up constructing proof before hand, usually just very slowly put everything together and cut everything a little bigger than I need. Like my grandpa always said when doing construction, "cut it too big, you can always take some off but you can't put it back on". Thinking I will use some construction paper in place of the snake skin until I get everything perfect. Luckily the cobra was only like $30, so not a huge loss if I really screw up. Thanks for the tip though I may definitely have to remember that for when I start looking at more expensive materials.
  3. Ok I decided to make a full carry set and think I may have lost my mind. Decided to do my first full-size IWB holster, first belt, and first mag pouch. Then decided hey wouldn't it be cool to do a shark trim on it, sadly no local sources had shark and I didn't want to wait for shipping so I picked up a cobra skin. Now on top of all the other firsts this will be my first inlay too. Not sure what I was thinking but I guess wish me luck, I will be sure to post pics on here after I finish it in a couple days (hopefully). If anyone has any words of wisdom or tips feel free to fire away. Or if you just feel like posting a "what are you thinking"? lol
  4. Looking great as always Lobo
  5. The grips are kinda a catch .22, they make it more comfortable in the hand and to shoot. But at the same time the gun is intended as a deep concealment back-up so the extra bulk on the grips in a little counter productive in that matter. Overall I think the wife will end up with the gun soon since she loves the grip and I want to look into getting the diamond plate model.
  6. Well I am by no means anywhere near an expert, 99.9% of anything I know I have learned on here. But it would seem to me that your stitch line along the top is extremely close to the edge which I would think may cause issues with the longevity of the mag carrier. Still it looks really nice man, is the trim piece embossed or something or did it just get that look from laying around in the "leather trunk"?
  7. Picked up a new Sig P238 the other day came with a nylon holster, of course that wasn't gonna work so I tried to throw something together real fast and this is the result. Also should mention this is my first attempt at an inside the waistband holster so definitely room for improvement. Actually considering making a dual carry inside the waistband holster to fit this little thing and my Sig C3 1911 just for kicks, could be interesting lol
  8. Sorry to hear that man I hope everything ends up ok. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
  9. A wood chisel....why the heck did I not think of that? Here I have been making holes at the end then trying to connect them with the razor, that will make things so much easier. I did start using the hole punch on the holster I am currently working on as I got tired of trying to do the hole at the end with the hole punch thing that looks like weird pliers. Once I finish this one I will definitely go pick up a chisel for the next one. I have gone back to trying to get down the learning curve on the welted seam from Lobo Gunleather on the holster I am currently working on, and probably most holsters in the future. Even though my previous attempt at that welted seam didn't turn out the greatest I still find myself constantly choosing that holster over any of the others I have made and over my Galco holster. The welted seam makes feel and conceal so much better it seems well worth the learning curve to create, or the price to buy one of the originals from Lobo. Since starting the holster making I can't seem to stop making them one after the other so I am about one holster behind on incorporating all of the feed back I get from you guys since I am usually already partway through the next by the time I come read these. So when I post a new one please don't assume I have ignored all of the wonderful advise as it is greatly appreciated and will all be used once I get to that point again.
  10. Ok I think this is attempt #4, still having stitching problems but I think with some recent advice from Mike I will get that issue cleared up on the next one. Ran out of one thread after one size then opened a new package for the other side only to realize it was not the same size. Also tried doing s border type design on part of it, it turned out ok I guess. As always any input or advice is greatly appreciated.
  11. Yay Big O finally replied, was starting to worry about you man. You're usually one of the first ones to reply to these. Appreciate your time as always.
  12. Lol secret account....good idea. The wife got on the bank site today and saw my airbrush order, luckily she worked all night and went to bed or I would still be hearing about it lol.
  13. Good Morning Mike; The leather very well may have still had some wet spots when I started dying, I had never even thought of that being the issue. I will definitely make sure it is completely dry next time. I did run a gouge line on the front but did not on the back, I am horrible about making things line up lol. Maybe I will try making the stitching holes then gouging the back along them or something. As far as beveling the edges...that's like my second favorite part of making the holster, but, I had been waiting a few days for my Fiebings dye to show up and it showed up right before the part when I usually do the beveling. I got so excited that it was finally here and ran out to dye it, forgetting the beveling all together lol. As always your input is greatly appreciated Mike.
  14. Using the Fiebings Pro Oil Dye and 50/50 Resolene. Think I am just having a real hard time getting an even application using the dauber or rag, currently getting ready to order an airbrushing setup. I have done some painting with spray on houses and a few cars so the airbrushing should be a pretty easy adjustment for me. Plus there is just some fun stuff you can do with the airbrush. Will be my last big purchase for this for awhile though the wife is gonna cut me off after the amount of money I have sank into this since I started a couple weeks ago lol.
  15. Looks nice man wish I had an air brushing setup my dye doesn't look near that good. Seems we both finished our LCR holsters about the same time though lol.
  16. Ok so after the "Fatal design flaw" that Big O pointed out on my first attempt at a SOB holster for my LCR i finally got around to making a second one. Only my 3rd holster so definitely still need work on pieces such as dying and edges but I think it turned out ok. Let me know what you guys think.
  17. Lobo, thank you for taking the time to look at this. Who better to get feedback from on a design element than the person that inspired it. I will be trying to remake this again but better and will definitely take your advice into account while doing it. Mike your input is always appreciated. Big O, I put the notch at the top partially to make it more visually appealing and also because I have a couple other holsters made by another company that come up and go across that corner of the grip and it drives me nuts. I started off with the 3/64 bit but it kept getting all fouled up and I had to clean the leather off of it on every other hole. When I went to get a different type of bit none of the stores had bits that small (kinda a bad string of luck with this holster). As far as spending money on this, well a little late for that lol I have already put more money into it than I care to think about but it's more than worth it. I did order a burnishing bit for my dremel from someone on the site here but I wasn't thinking and ordered the one that is just for doubled up edges which made it about useless for this project lol. As always I greatly appreciate all the feedback from you guys on here, I'm gonna get this stuff down if it kills me.
  18. OK so this is my second attempt at making a decent holster. I snapped both my awls trying to make the first hole and the leather factory is a pretty good drive away so ended up using my dremel to make the stitch holes. Got some bad marks on the leather from screwing up on my stitching layout. Still need work on my edges but all in all I think it's an improvement over my last attempt, we will see what Katsass, Big O, and the rest of you all that can spare the time to critique it think. Oh and I can't forget the belt tunnel welt design was influenced by "Lobo Gun Leather" and my thanks go to him for allowing me to borrow the concept, hopefully I didn't make it look too bad lol.
  19. So I was working on my next holster and had gone down to Leather Factory to get a smaller awl and wouldn't you know the thing snapped making the first hole. Being new to this it very well could've been my fault but I figured I would ask if the metal tools from their stores are usually good quality or should I be getting these types of things elsewhere?
  20. Well as usual your post was very helpful Mike. I did pick up the "How to Make Holsters" book a couple days ago, it has been an excellent resource. Apparently I need to look more closely at the pictures before I do things though lol. Is there a specific size/type of awl I should look for? I think I will put some of that Fiebings Pro Oil Dye on order and try it out, hate to wait for things to ship but the only leather supply store I have found in my area is the Leather Factory and it seems to carry Eco-flo almost exclusively. Also if you have any suggestions for a finishing/sealer product to throw on after the dye that would be great.
  21. Glad you had some time to take a look Big O, the posts from you, katsass, and lobo are probably responsible for about 90% of what little I have actually figured out (stitch close to the trigger gaurd lol). As far as the design, it was about 3 am when I laid it out then started building and realized it was all messed up but figured if nothing else it was good practice for some of the more fundamental skills. Definitely a good point on flipping it over, would probably help with the top heavy sagging issue also. The leather, I think they may have given me 5-6 instead of 7-8, the store was pretty busy that day and I was about clueless. The dye is the Eco-flo Antique mahogany gel, blotchy very well could have just been my lack of experience though not real sure on what dye is the best to use yet. I was punching the holes with the diamond tip awl I think it's called, was the advice I got from the young guy at the store not sure if I was pressing to hard or using the wrong tool. So any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated so maybe the next one will not look as bad, had a blast making the thing but with slight OCD and perfectionist personality I always have to make progress or I go nuts.
  22. Here's the back resized sorry about the crazy original sizes
  23. Didn't work trying to shrink the image, guess I will keep messing with it Attempt #3 Attempt #4
  24. Yeah sorry about the pics couldn't find the camera and took them on a brand new phone, didn't realize they were that huge lol
  25. I just wanted to say thank you to all the experienced leather workers in here. I decided not long ago to take up this as a fun hobby and because making holsters and what not just sounded fun but was completely clueless as to anything. Those of you sharing your decades of experience and tips with those of us that are just starting out really add to the pleasant experience that I am quickly becoming addicted to. Doug Semper Fi
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