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  1. Hi, You can also buy from Leffler in Melbourne, they have a lot of leather and equipment and they sell by mail order. Their site isnt as organised as Birdsall, though. http://www.leffler.com.au/
  2. Hi Everyone, Sorry if this is obvious, but I'm extremely new to leatherwork (I made the first cut in my first bit of leather today lol!) Anyway, how is this kind of releif/embossing done? I'm not sure what the proper term is. I assume it's not carved or tooled. I'm talking about the fleu-de-lys and the square in the middle, not the border. My best guess: Is it done by using a solid and flat base, then glueing a leather or cardboard 'cutout', then covering with glue and thin and soft leather that's 'rubbed' down onto the (now raised) template below? I hope that made sense! If that's how it's done, then what kind of leather would be used for this? (the image is from a shop called JournalShelf, at www.journalshelf.com/journals. No, I don't work for them, I'm just referencing the image I included here!)
  3. Yeah, I just called the Mooroolbark guy (well, probably the same one) but he doesnt sell tools anymore. The other problem with Lefflers is that they dont sell many stamps (stamps for mandela-type patterning and lettering, not the pre-made picture type ones), which is what I'd like to try first of all.
  4. Hi Barra, Thanks for the reply. Do you know of any stores that I can 'take a look around'? They seem to be more of a warehouse aren't they? And they also seem to focus on saddlery. I'm totally new to this game, to the point that I don't even fully know what I need yet! It seems that Leffler is the only place that sells leather working tools in Vic!
  5. Hi linda and barra! I'm from Australia too (Vic in fact). You guys don't know of a shop in Victoria that sells leatherworking tools do you, other than Leffler? Any leathercraft shops? I can't find anything to get started with :-( EDIT: I just noticed your reply to my other thread. Thanks.
  6. Hi! Are there many leatherworkers here from Australia? If so, does anyone know of any leathercraft stores in Victoria? I can't find any where I can actually walk in and look around at the leather and tools. Cheers.
  7. Hi Everyone! Wow it looks like there's some people with amazing tallent and skills here! I just thought I'd introduce myself since I just signed up. I'm from Melbourne, Australia, and I don't know anything about leatherworking, but I'm searching for information to get me started. Actually, I was surprised that there isn't more infomation on the web (perhaps I'm just not looking in the right places!) At the moment, I'm mostly interested in attempting a book cover or a kind of journal cover/folder. There seems to be even less info on the net about leather bookbinding (... but plenty of businesses that will do it for you!) Cheers, Scott.
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