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Everything posted by DStar

  1. Hello, It should be leather (it says in car catalogue), but maybe it is low quality leather. I was thinking now that maybe car wash firm damage this seat (just 2 days before i order chemical cleaning of the car) but maybe it is just coincidence. So there is no way (maybe with some special glue) to restore or just maybe glue that it will not tear further ...?
  2. Hello everyone, My leather car seat was torn (i dont know with what object - maybe with my pants metal pins). Is there any possiability to restore that ? Thank you in advance for your expert opinion. Regards, Matic
  3. Hello, I have search this forum for this singer 196K205 model, but nothing found. Is this machine any good for sewing 5-8mm thick leather, sewing it daily. (mainly belts, collars, bags..) Machine is like this one.. they are saying that it can sew 10mm leather, but i would rather hear it from you http://www.a-finlay-...ng_machine.html Thank you Matt
  4. Hello, Does anybody used this acrylic dyes from fiebing for dyeing edge on leather belt ? http://shop.fiebing.com/products/category/3267. I have contacted fiebing and they told me, that this colors will not peel or crack, but i have doubts.. I am thinking pink, white, blue... colors.. Thank you...
  5. Thanks, i will try that
  6. Thank you both.. Is acrylic paint durable enough or will fade, peel over time (with rubbing...) ? Is likely that because of stretching of leather paint will crack ? Thank you
  7. Hello Everyone, How can i dye white edge on a leather belt? Fiebing's Edge Kote is only in black, brown, natural... Can i maybe use normal white dye and then use something get shine on edge? Thank you for your answers and suggestions...Matic
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