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Grizzle Guts

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Shepparton, Australia.
  • Interests
    All forms of Leather Craft and Leather Art. Native American Culture. Motocross.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Still searching
  • Interested in learning about
    All aspects, with a lean towards carving and braiding
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Standing Bear's facebook page

Grizzle Guts's Achievements

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  1. Thank you both for your reply. Now this story may not be for the 'Purists'.....but yesterday I remembered in the back of the shed was an old Hide I tanned many years ago. So from two pieces of plastic and a razor blade, I made a Lace Cutter, then with a plastic Cutting Board and the same razor blade, made a Splitter. With the lace I did some Braiding, to see if the feeling was still there. Well....who let the chocoholic loose in the easter egg factory... :D Never leaves your blood does it!!
  2. Howdy Folks, My name is Adrian, I live near Shepparton in Victoria, Australia. Just over Thirty years ago, through involvement Showing Holstein Cattle, I began making Halters, Leads, Headstalls etc. Which then led to carved items like Bags , Belts etc. After a while, things grew to the point it was too big for a sideline and too small to be a sole source of income. So, it was either expand or get out. Well, like most decisions in my life, I took the wrong one and decided to persue Dairy Farm Ownership. This we achieved Sixteen years ago....it's all been down hill since! For Thirty years my Tools and a few small scraps of leather have sat in a box untouched. Then a couple of weeks ago I stumbled across Standing Bear's facebook page and the flame was reignited. However, thanks to the Rural Downturn and the effects of Ten Years of Drought, I don't have the time to persue it as a hobby or the financial resources to create a business. Working the farm all day then filling Supermarket shelves at night to keep the farm, doesn't leave much time for anything else.... I signed up for this Forum in the hope that inspiration from it's pages will guide the hand of fate, allowing me to rejoin this great vocation. Well that's my take on joining your ranks....hope it didn't come across as woe is me.
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