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Everything posted by wjranch

  1. I've sourced bulk mecate rope (8 strand square braided paracord) from the same supplier for quite a few years, but I'm getting concerned about their quality given their last two shipments. Does anyone have any good sources for bulk mecate rope? I usually buy 200-600' at a time. Thanks for your help!
  2. Good morning, I would like to get some opinions on the best way to put a foundation on the end of the mecate prior to braiding the finished heel knot or pineapple knot over it. I've experimented with different ways, but I've had some slide off in the past. Currently the best way I've found it to use the strands from the braided mecate to tie a six or 8 strand turks head at the end and then build that knot up with tape or hot glue. I've also done it as a spanish ring knot and then looped the free ends of the mecate around it individually like the heel knot of a bosal. Does anyone have any better ideas? Thanks for your input. Tyler
  3. wjranch

    2010-2011 Work

    Various leather and rawhide work from the past few years.
  4. From the album: 2010-2011 Work

    © 6 Strand Half Round Texas Hackamore

  5. wjranch


    1/4" Rawhide Pencil Bosal
  6. From the album: 2010-2011 Work

    © &copy WJ Ranch

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