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About Kingswarrior

  • Birthday May 22

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LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None - Beginner
  • Interested in learning about
    Belt and holstermaking
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

Kingswarrior's Achievements


Member (2/4)

  1. Thanks everyone...there's just no substitute for experience! I appreciate your time and help.
  2. ok, will definitely check. Thanks for the info! Is there any method of tanning, acid or otherwise, that would be deemed unsuitable for inlaying, or that might cause the skin to not last as long?
  3. Didn't know where else to post this, but I saw someone advertising rattlesnake skins (on ebay) that were "acid pickled" and then tanned. If anyone is familiar with this, I was wondering if these skins are suitable for inlays and such. Thanks for the help!
  4. I'll take the S&W M&P 9 full size and the Walther PPS. Sending funds via paypal shortly.
  5. I would like the walther PPS, H&K USP 45, S&W M&P 9, and Taurus PT 24/7 if they are still available. Let me know and I will send payment. Thanks.
  6. Thanks Tree Reaper. The process seems simple enough with their instructions. What about the smell of the solution itself? Will a box fan in a window be adequate for air flow and ventilation when using this?
  7. After looking at some previous posts, I was wondering if the tanning process for rattlesnakes would work on basically any snake skin? How long of a process is it to tan one? I am limited on space, and the smell would be a factor. How much space do I really need and how bad is the smell? Is there a particular kit that stands out or do you prefer the acetone, alcohol and glycerin mixture? Thanks for your help and time.
  8. Welcome to the forum!
  9. welcome to the forum!
  10. Thanks to twin Oaks and SLC for making this available. How soon will orders be accepted?
  11. I would be willing to purchase some as well. I like the idea of thicker kydex for belt clips. Thanks for checking into this. Eager to hear the results.
  12. Thanks for the info fellas. DoubleBarP, I'm finding some of these things out in my own experience as a person new to concealed carry. Thanks for your informative reply. katsass, I've been lurking here for several months now and I always enjoy reading your responses to various posts. The benefit of experience is something that can only be appreciated in one of two ways: by doing it yourself, or learning from those who have. cdf, thanks for the info. I will examine and try those methods of carry myself. Hope to have some work to post for your critiques soon.
  13. I wasn't sure where to post this and I could not find a similar thread, although I might have overlooked one. My question is this: Is an Avenger style holster just as concealable as the typical pancake style holsters I see? I guess I should ask if the profile is just as thin as another OWB style? Does the belt loop on the back of the Avenger make that much difference in concealability over a holster with the loops spaced at both ends? I am wanting to learn to make holsters and was curious about design pros/cons for both the Avenger and pancake styles. What has been your experience/preference? Is there a book available that will provide such info? Thanks in advance.
  14. Just a quick hello and introduction. I am new to leatherwork in general, although I messed with a few kits as a teenager. No, I won't tell you how long ago that was. :D Glad to be a member. Now off to troll the different areas.
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