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Everything posted by snowdogs1998

  1. Thanks Gary I just got a chance to check out the pattern. Real life got in the way of what want to but t should work out great. Debbie, Seitel it is - try the attachment (a PowerPoint file). Not the best pattern I've made up but the only one I can find at the moment. Gary
  2. Thanks Gary I'm open for anything it's for a "small" Leonberger female about 120 lbs getting started in carting. Debbie, Seitel or siwash? I can help with the draft seitel type. Gary
  3. Hi All Does anybody have or know where I can find a pattern for a draft dog harness. Thanks Debbie Whitehorse, Yukon
  4. Hi Nick I had that problem with my tracking line then I found lock jaw snaps that are fantastic. They come in 3/4 and 1 inch are brass unfortunately they are expensive but I've never had one fail.. I get mine from Aaron Martin Harness ( aaronmartin.com) Debbie Whitehorse, Yukon Hi all, I have an American Bulldog and a Boxer, they are both super strong and this shows itself in broken trigger hooks on their leads. I have been trying to find a heavy duty version so I can make them new collars and leads but am struggling. Has anyone seen heavy duty versions for sale or know of something else I can use? Thanks Nick
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