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  1. Does anyone have a good template or any pointers for making a tooled pistol pouch? Something with a zipper, lined with something soft and a braided edge? I have tooled before and done some basic hand sewing but want to try to step it up. I have never attempted a braided edge but I have always wanted to try it. I really like the look of it.
  2. Hello leather workers, I was recently commissioned to do a project by a vegan friend eof min and I was wondering if there are any other non-leather materials that you could tool/carve on. I have only been tooling for about a year in a half or two years and have sort of run out of Ideas as far as materials go. I know it is probably considered blasphemy but If you have any Ideas or have done tooling on other materials I would appreciate as much info as I can get. thanks -gg
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