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Everything posted by cappadk

  1. Art: i will check out Irwin Bi-metal, i wasnt sure whether you meant that type of a strop. But yes, i will be making one this weekend. Im doing a lot of research now on sharpening, and decided on getting a couple of diamond stones. Many recommend DMT stones, but they are a bit pricy, any of you guys know of a cheaper solution? Madmaxx: I think your right about the thinner the better, well at least for me. The reason im not very fond of the utility knife, is that the head is so small that i can barely see it when im cutting.
  2. Im not exactly sure what you mean with me making a strop - do you mean for sharpening the knife? Then no - i dont even have a knife yet Im pretty new to both leather and knifes and ive become very interested or fascinated by knifes and i can easily see myself using one for cutting leather. I have a "fancy" box cutter which gets dull very quickly, which is why im trying to find another tool for cutting. I like your "setup" of knives, pretty much what i would prefer too.
  3. hideshop: Thanks for the recommendation, i didnt know of his work. Very beatyful knifes but a little over my budget though. madmax22: The srm knifes are mainly for me to get an understanding of which type of knife/blade i would prefer and what thickness. Most likely i wont be using it for critical work. But allthough they are very cheap they are highly praised on other forums, such as bladeforum and britishblades.
  4. Yea as i understand it from his website, theres a 18 month wait from order to finish. But ive seen some of his knifes on other onlinesellers, so hopefully they still have it in stock. Ok, guess im gonna try out which thickness i prefer. Based on recommendation from several blade-forums, i ordered a couple of SRM knives, to see how they work and to see which blade lenght and thickness suits me the best.
  5. Which knifes do you use for cutting leather, im looking for some inspiration Recently i started to think of using something like a Dozier knife, preferrably a fixed blade, but im not yet sure. And by the way, does the thickness of the blade matter, im thinking that a thinner blade would be better to cut off leather, but im not sure.
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