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  1. Thank you for the links. I've already seen the Armor Archive (and am going to use it for a few of my projects), but the Arador Armor Library's Spangenhelm seems to be almost exactly what I'm looking for. I'm looking forwad to making this and will try to post pictures when complete.
  2. I suspect Bob may be right about me being close to the edge - the bulges occur when I make the holes. However, I don't have any smaller thread, but will try to grab some next time I can. Thank you all for your help, much appreciated.
  3. I am using a Craftool awl that I got from Tandy. Here is the piece in question. The area around the stitching looks rather bumpy. (Don't mind the additional holes, I was testing a spacer wheel on here as well.)
  4. I've been wanting to make a leather viking-style helm for a while now. The only problem is that I have not been able to find many patterns or instructions, only a finished product. Does anybody know where I can find patterns for a more-or-less authentic Viking helm?
  5. I've recently decided to try to make a small box, and from the Al Stohlman books I learned I could make one using only leather as the support. The only problem is that I don't own the book, as I was flipping through it at my local Tandy. When I tried to make my own miter, I saw that the holes I made looked very rough and bumpy, even when sewn together. Is there a specific tool I need to use to make the holes for stitching (I am currently using am awl), or am I just making the holes incorrectly? Thanks in advance.
  6. What is that metal circle on the top? I've never seen one before, looks very interesting.
  7. If you have any masks that you've made, could you by chance post some pictures, please? I'm interested in knowing what kind of a form you have to know how to start my own.
  8. Would you by chance be willing to post or email me a pattern for this mask?
  9. Is that the Pastafarian fish I see there?
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