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Paul Moore

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  1. Hello everyone, The press is still available. I am asking $800 for everything. I have several dies for the press. If you are interested i can send you a picture of the dies i have for the press. Also i am located in Covington, Pa.
  2. Hello everyone, The press is still available. I am asking $800 for everything. I have several dies for the press. If you are interested i can send you a picture of the dies i have for the press.
  3. Paul Moore


    I am selling a lot of zippers. Below are their sizes and color. Also included is a box of zipper ends. Please contact me at moopau68@yahoo.com . I am asking $100 plus shipping for all. Size Quanity 34" 50 Brown Brass 29" 26 Black 13.5" 12 Brown and Black 12.5" 6 Brown and Black 12" 26 Army Green 6.25" 36 Black closed both ends 7.625" 29 Brown closed both ends 7.625" 48 Black closed both ends 7.5" 6 Black 6" 6 Brown
  4. I am selling a group of clciker dies. The dies in the wooden trays were used to make patch work items and a hat. The hand held ones were for a princess purse and key chains. I also have a rawhide maul for sale. The maul weights 9.5 lbs. I am asking $250 O.B.O for everything plus shipping. Any questions please contact me a moopau68@yahoo.com.
  5. I am selling a United-Carr press. The press is in good condition. I have lots of dies for this press. With the press i am selling lots of hardware. There are rivets, gromets, snaps, and buttons. Plus a lot more. If you would like more information or questions feel free to email me at moopau68@yahoo.com. I have more pictures i can send to anyone interested. I also have some hand setting dies for the hardware. I am open to offers on everthing
  6. I am located in northern Pa. (Covington, Pa)
  7. I am selling a United-Carr press. The press is in good condition. I have lots of dies for this press. With the press i am selling lots of hardware. There are rivets, gromets, snaps, and buttons. Plus a lot more. If you would like more information or questions feel free to email me at moopau68@yahoo.com. I have more pictures i can send to anyone interested. I also have some hand setting dies for the hardware. I am open to offers on everthing.
  8. I appreciate that thank you
  9. I am selling a "Special Hat Machine" made by L. Bulasky INC. The machine is in good working order. I have a extra needle include with the machine. The machine is not on its original base. Please contact me at moopau68@yahoo.com with any questions or interest in the machine. I am open to offers on this rare sewing machine. Thank You
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