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  1. I'm sorry I haven't posted pics yet...sadly my father in law passed away Friday night and I haven't had time...sorry, will get to it ASAP...
  2. Thanks for your interest.....I am in the process of getting together pictures and an itemized list of what we have...wasnt sure what kind of response I would get, and was not truly prepared for all the replies I have gotten....Later today or tomorrow there will be more info added..... I am located approximately 20 miles NW of Pittsburgh PA.....can ship most items, other items may be shipped if buyer wants to pay shipping, as some things may cost a substantial amount to ship
  3. I am trying to sell the contents of my late fathers leather workshop...he had just about everything you can think of...I don't know too much about it, but will do my best...sewing machines, embossers, many hand tools, stamps, rolls of leather, lots of odds and ends....feel free to email me @ bkchambers2@verizon.net...we do have a durkopp Adler 205 370 that has the stand and motor...any interest would be of great help...thanks in advance....
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