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Posts posted by digdug18

  1. I tried searching, couldn't find anything. I was looking for a pattern, or how thick to make it, what weight leather, etc. But couldn't find anything.

    It seems like the perfect product to me, that big open space for a pattern, figure carving, perhaps some stingray inlay?

    You'd figure that they want to stand out, make a statement when at the gym. At least they do at the gym I goto.

    I might just buy a belt, perhaps a used belt just so I can copy it.


  2. I don't think there is really such a book out there. All the books teach you a little bit, the rest the information you need to gain on your own. What I've been doing, is finding something I like, buying it and taking it apart to learn how it is constructed. Though Anymore I think you need to goto china or a third world country to learn many of these skills.

  3. George,

    You might consider getting an address for your garage, basement, etc. With a seperate mailbox number, its a loophole that alot of at home businesses take advantage of, that way. That way "the business" is renting the garage from you. So the IRS sees that your LLC is renting, making deductions on upkeep, etc on the space they are renting. It's how guys have FFL's for gunsmithing out of their houses.

    The pain of it though, is that you have the charge "the business" a nonimal amount each month for rent, and show it being paid. Benefit being that it's a tax write off for the business, depending on how you write it off.

  4. Cleaned out my grandmothers attic after she passed last year, and found a box of bits. Any value to these? They're pretty plain, but just thought I'd ask. Not trying for this to be a FS thread, but they might just end up in that area, because I'd rather they go to someone that would use them for their intended purpose vs scrap.

    I'll add some pics so you see what I'm talking about, I'm guessing ages range from the 50's to the 70's. My mom is the rider, they were her's, but she doesn't want them. I think she said they were from a barn that she rode at back then, and they were throwing out old tack with bad leather. Though as you'll see the one bit is leather where the horse's teeth actually goes.


    Full box so you can see what I'm talking about.




    Leather bit, steel ends.






    Painted steel.


    Aluminum, seem to be a couple of these in the box.


  5. All good suggestions, and they will help you be much more accurate. One thing I do is sand the edges on a bench sander after gluing them together. That will remove any minor differences in the layers. Then I edge bevel and burnish the edges, it accomplishes a couple of things, 1) make the edges even and matched, 2) remove any residual glue from the edges, 3) then I sew and the stitches are a uniform distance from the edge, front and back. It can be done by hand sanding as well, I use the bench sander to save time.


    Agreed, but I'd prefer to have even pieces to start with. That way I don't need to sand them down to even them up. I think it all it coming down to my setup right now, I need to get my bench setup the way I want it, then go from there. Thanks!

  6. I'm having a problem when cutting patterns I make from paper, or even when I trace that pattern onto leather with a pen. I'm finding that I don't cut like patterns, which is a problem when it comes to then cutting a grove to stich into on each side.

    I know one problem is my work area, I need a larger area to lay out the leather on, and to then cut on as well. I'm currently doing it on a book sized area, where as the leather I'm cutting the piece off of is 4-5 times as large. Though I'm sure more experienced people can off me some good tips or suggestions on how they make matched pairs of items.

    Currently I'm trying to make a nice knife sheath, using a 3 piece design, the top, bottom and middle layer being all like pairs. My thought process being that if I get good at doing sheaths, and cutting out like patterns, I can scale it up to larger projects.

    Suggestions, Tips? Videos?


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