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Posts posted by billium

  1. Hi all, thanks for the feedback and support! I just added a new pattern to my Etsy site for an axe head cover with belt loop. willspatterns.etsy.com

    New member Aflian, I really liked your post. I'm also a huge fan of beer, and biking to breweries sounds awesome. That was part of my inspiration for making the growler pattern. In response to your post, I think the growler is a great first project, and it shouldn't be too difficult. The pattern includes full instructions and templates. It's mostly just trace and cut 4mm thick leather and use the template to mark rivets and snaps. Making stitching holes and hand-sewing gets better with practice. The optional handle is probably the hardest part because you have to wet-mold thinner vegetable-tanned leather around a core. And I think we all totally get your "perfectionist complex" when you share your leather project with someone in public! If you really want to start on something smaller I just posted the above axe-head cover on my Etsy site which is easier. There are also some really nice patterns on this forum.

  2. Hi robbied, thanks for the pattern! what type of leather do you use for the apron?

    i have also been using inkscape to make patterns. I started with the tutorial below which describes how to trace scanned patterns and manipulate curves and margins.

    do you know any good way to include marks for stiches with 3mm spacing? i tried a few times with the dotted line "stroke" function but could never get it right.

    Inkscape tutorial


  3. thanks for the responses so far! I'm actually from the northeast and haven't seen too many growler carriers up here. would like to see more! Karina do you have a link?

    i found my handle design works great for pouring and carrying the growler around like a briefcase! the core is made of 3 pieces thick veg tan. the top cone was also a tricky piece to get correct.

  4. I have been visiting craft breweries with a leather growler holder that I designed and getting approached by the brewmaster about where they could get one. Some of the brewmasters even asked for some to sell on consignment or to design with their company logo.
    I made a few more leather growler holders but found the process too time consuming as I do have a day job!
    So I put up the pattern for sale on Etsy (Leather Growler Holder on Etsy (link)). Do think this is a good idea? I have personally bought other patterns, and my hope is that more people will create and sell patterns like this.



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