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    sewing leather, braiding

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  2. sdebers


    Looks like I can't edit the post anymore. Email is dd_leatherbags@outlook.com I'll also check for msg, but email would be faster response
  3. sdebers


    Sorry, was having issues resizing photos and completely missed half of the info got cut off.
  4. sdebers


    Consew Post 2 needle Sewing machine Heavy Duty, High Speed, Post Type, Two Needle, Angular Stitching (split Needle Bar), Drop Feed, Needle Feed, Lockstitch Machine Not used in past year or so, did test stitch as shown in pic. Good functioning condition Located in Western Massachusetts, US....Please EMAIL with any question Asking $950 obo
  5. I'm going to be doing a car interior and the leather purchased seems a bit stiff. I was curious if anyone conditions leather hides before they cut and sew them, and if you do are you using a specific conditioner? I was thinking I would use Lexol conditioner on the hide to help soften it and make it a bit easier to work with, would like to hear if anyone does something similar. thanks
  6. there are a couple things I could see using the double needle for but.... as I understand it, I could work with only 1 needle, correct? also, I plan on makin a table so it will function as a flatbed.... I have not had much luck finding a cylinder arm that would be good fit for my projects. Open to hearing from anyone that has a machine that would be a good fit for my project located in the New England area so pick up is possible ... my price range is upto $750 for a machine. anyone have a ball park for what is a good price for this Consew 329? thx just wanted to add I had one other machine I located nearby Singer 78-3, only thing is seems to have minimal maintenance, so not sure it won't need service. Based on reading here it would do the job, but lacks the cylinder option.... anyone's comparison or review for these machines is appreciated
  7. hi, I've been doing lots of reading and research here but have not seen much about post machines for sewing leather. I have a possibility of purchasing a Consew 329 I'm looking to sew leather bags and maybe 1 or 2 car interior projects. I'm not sure by oz what you would call the leather I'll be sewing but I'd call it medium weight, not saddle leather. Any input on this particular machine is appreciated. thx
  8. Thank you both for the ultra fast response
  9. The needle looking tool in the below picture... Can anyone tell me the correct name of it so I can find one? Or tell me where I can buy one? thanks
  10. Brian, thanks for the response, I checked out the Pineapple knots on your website and I've done some of these.... My question... is there a difference in a pineapple knot and a pineapple button? I've done long pineapple buttons, but they are open on both end, like they were created on a mandrel, how does the end get closed? Also, if the know is created with a single lace, like a button is done on a mandrel in 1 color, how are you connecting this to the plaited pieces? Also Brain there is a similar knot... with some added intracacy on your gallery in Nils G. Nerland this one Knot .... I think this is a similar knot... yes or no??
  11. Hi, I'm new to braiding and to the board. been doing lots of reading, and searching but having some issue finding I think my newness means I'm not using the right terminology when searching.... Ok, so I'm looking for some help with an End knot. I'd like to have it look like the one the entiendo used on the end of the corss in this thread Cross Thread included a pic of the actual sample entiendo had posted I'm plaiting in 12 so I'll be seperating into 2 - 6 plaits into this knot... Can anyone help me with what the knot is and maybe some a tutorial on how to create it? thanks
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