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  1. Ah I will be using atleast 13 oz leather in this as that's min sorry for not specifying! I do appreciate the tips though I am still waiting on money to be able to afford the leather but I have been practicing a bit with belts and sword frogs I want to practice tooling a bit before I make my armor so I might be able to add some designs to it.
  2. I found the armor he made but he didn't specify how he did the muscles and sadly I can not ask him anymore so does anyone else have any tips?
  3. If i may ask what was the diamater of the bottom and opening of the quiver? I am wanting to make one similiar to this (without the scabbard) but I am unsure of how big it needs to be
  4. What about the design for the muscles how would i go about that?
  5. I just started doing leather working and I have an end goal to this and that is to make fully legal armor for a foam sport I play The armor i want to make is attached below (I will also be making a helmet greaves and bracers) I know Greek armor was made of brass but since that isn't a possibility i decided to go with leather and make it look as nice as possible! So far I have made a frog and plan on making a few pouches and quivers soon. I know I am not ready to make this yet but I was wondering what leather projects would help me learn how to do the things that will needed to be done in the final project? How exactly is the chest made like that... I've been wondering that for awhile now. Thank you, I do apoligize if I put this in the wrong section.....
  6. Just wondering did you make the horse hair crest or buy it?
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