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Posts posted by ivarian

  1. Yep like TwinOaks said, in summer in our harsh West Australian sun I can get a really nice tanned hue in a couple of hours. I put a light coat of neatsfoot oil then put it out in the midday sun for couple of hours then put another light coat of neatsfoot on and finish the next day with a light coat of Montana pitch blend.

    There are some types of leather it works better on I've found Hermann Oak to give the nicest hue some of the cheap stuff goes a muddy light brown if you want to try it try scraps first. The piece of leather in my avatar picture was done this way.

    I do the same thing but in Italy the winter is so long and cold :-))

  2. Hy Chief

    If you can cut the Tan Kote with the water the TanKote isn't water resistant ,is it?


    Clear Lac, put on lightly and rubbed in. I normally do two light coats or Tankote (Cut with water 2 parts TanKote to one part Water) again two or three light coats with several hours drying in between followed by bufffing well. Either works well, I like the clear lac a little better and it is more durable, both are water resistant, but Clear Lac seems to be more so than Tankote. Both are available from several of the sponsors here, I get mine from Springfield Leather Company.


  3. Hey there Ivarian!

    Have you been using that wood mallet for all of the beveling?

    I think you could benefit from a dead blow poly hammer. Your art work looks great! But you should be getting about 1/2 of the depth minimum out of that thickness leather, especially if you are not using a Swivel Knife....

    Just my observation of your last couple things...you need a Swivel Knife and start pounding that skin deeper...I have 2 different weights of hammers I use both Poly, 12 and 28 oz, the 12 does most 90% of all the work.

    The reason I say this is because especially for moto seats that will be in weather, when it gets wet it is going to swell, and the beveling alone will start to disappear...I don't think you or the client will like that very much...Just my observation! I see that you are a little green to this and your beveling looks nice and consistent, but you REALLY need a Swivel Knife to kick you up to the next level...

    I am not sure if you are letting the skin sit just lightly wet in a bag overnight but if not; try it and see the difference and benefit from casing it properly, you will get some good depth without having to bash the hell out of it.

    Keep it up brother! LOOKING GOOD!!!!!! We are all here to help!!!

    Keep Pounding!


    Thanks Chancey for your suggestions, you're right i need a new mallet for my leatherwork, I've just carved with a swivel knife.

    I've seen your work, looks great

  4. I like the design. the artwork is good, the text on top is really good. I think the impressions could be a bit deeper. it would have given better depth and a better contrasting in color if you cased it long enough. Overall it looks like a dang nice seat.

    Hy Dragon

    You're right

    The problem was the too much compression of the neopren

    I've cut the sewing and remade the seat

    Now this is the leastpost-28277-039745400 1344166334_thumb.jp

    post-28277-010304000 1344166439_thumb.jp

  5. Hi Ivarian,

    Did you cut the design in with a swivel knife or is that what you mean by tolling?

    Hi Benlilly

    You're right..............my english is terrible

    I'd say tooling (is correct?) or carving


    looks good, kinda like "my" shovel seat except mine says old iron and rules on the small end look at my avatar! nice work!!

    Thank's stealfdawg

    Our seats are very similar

    Have you a more large photo of yours?

  6. post-28277-006222000 1340976644_thumb.jp

    I believe Christians (Xianleather) pebble tool is probably from Bob Beard going by what he has said about it previously they leave a much better impression than the ones from Springfield or Tandy. Bob's tools are more expensive and take awhile to get however, I've got the Springfield set and they are okay the smallest one of mine works the best.


    Hy Clair

    You're right it's a Christians (Xianleather) seat

    I've sorted out with this tool

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