I mix it 50/50 with water and spray a very light coat with a spray bottle. Something like a Windex bottle that has a light misty spray pattern. Don't hold it directly over the item but use a sweeping motion when spraying. Adjust the item and hit it from more than one angle/side as necessary. Don't worry if you see a small bubble or two, they go away as the item dries. After 20 to 30 minuets spray on a second coat. Give it another 30 minuets or so (I live in the desert so my time between coats may be a little faster than some) and give it another coat if necessary. I take the top off of the bottle and run/spray hot water through it between coats so it does not clog up the sprayer.
This also works just as well with a 50/50 mix of Mop and Glo and water. As always your mileage may very so if in doubt, try it first on a piece of scrap that you have treated the same as the item you are working on.