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About acigarsmoker

  • Birthday February 27

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sonoran Desert
  • Interests
    Leather working, Fly fishing, Photography, Cigars

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None yet
  • Interested in learning about
    Working with exotic leathers
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Two months late but I finally finished it. Started it on January 16th and then other projects and life in general got in the way. I figured I might as well go ahead and post a picture. Hopefully I can get enough free time to work on the April project.
  2. I have found that both Bee Natural #1 Saddle Oil or Bick 4 Leather Conditioner will darken leather very little to almost not at all. However every piece of leather can and will behave differently from the last sometimes even from the same side of leather and as was posted earlier I have never worked with Pink either but both are worth experimenting with.
  3. I tried this with the Eco Flow Tanner's bond and when I attempted to mix it into some Edge Kote the Tanner's Bond immediately congealed into a ball and would not mix with the Edge Kote. Maybe I will get some of the Fiebing's white glue and give it a try. I was really hoping that this would work for me. I usually do two coats of Edge Kote and then coat it with some thinned Resolene but that make the edge too shiny for my taste on some projects. I may have to give some of the edge paint that Tandy is now selling a try as well.
  4. I would try some Obenauf's leather oil on it. Go easy and give it a day or two or three to migrate through the leather. The oil and the heavy duty LP are both great stuff but they will darken the leather some. Jon
  5. I mix it 50/50 with water and spray a very light coat with a spray bottle. Something like a Windex bottle that has a light misty spray pattern. Don't hold it directly over the item but use a sweeping motion when spraying. Adjust the item and hit it from more than one angle/side as necessary. Don't worry if you see a small bubble or two, they go away as the item dries. After 20 to 30 minuets spray on a second coat. Give it another 30 minuets or so (I live in the desert so my time between coats may be a little faster than some) and give it another coat if necessary. I take the top off of the bottle and run/spray hot water through it between coats so it does not clog up the sprayer. This also works just as well with a 50/50 mix of Mop and Glo and water. As always your mileage may very so if in doubt, try it first on a piece of scrap that you have treated the same as the item you are working on. Jon
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