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relic rider

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About relic rider

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    new brunswick
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    leather working
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    bike forum

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  1. I like it i think the brown showing thru makes it look old and worn which is a look i like
  2. THANKS SCARY that seat is pretty close to what mine is , that deep curve in the butt area. I thought of doing the skirt in two peices before i started but all the other seats i have seen that are similar have a one peice and i didnt want to screw it up with two so i went with one . Now i have the one peice and will have to make it work , i will wet it and do as you say just keep pulling it until it is good THANKS
  3. As i said earlier i am not to good on computers every time i try to upload or send a pic it tells me it is to big , cant do it . Sometimes it will work others not . After posting this i found a thread on here that is exactly what i am doing ROGERS SEAT TUTORIAL . I have my tooled seat top that i laced to the seat skirt (which is one big peice ). Then i glued the seat top to the foam just a little in the middle to help hold it in place , my seat has quite a curve on it were you sit . But now i am haveing a hard time to get the sides tight because of the seat shape , i see from his tutorial that he wets his to help stretch it , but he does it before he dyes it though
  4. Thanks ROGER i just started a new thread asking a lot of questions regarding getting the skirt or sides of my seat tight then i saw this tutorial and you have answered most of them thanks
  5. I am new to the forum and leatherworking , what got me interested in leather work is that i wanted to make a seat for my bike , so i got a kit and made some belts ,walleta ,key chains ect. Now i am doing my seat ,just recovering stock seat for my bike, i cut my top peice punched the holes , then i cut my side piece laid out the holes and punched . I then did my tooling and dyed both peices and then laced together, the reason was that i was doing two different colors tan and dark brown. Now i am putting it on ,i glued the top part to the seat foam and i am trying to pull the sides tight but cant seem to get them tight. My question is should i wet the sides to help shape or form them and if so how wet should i get them? S ince it is already dyed should i wet from the back side ? Hot or cold water or does it matter. I will try to post pictures of what i have done if i caan figure out how to do it i am not very good on computers so it may take me a while
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