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Everything posted by nebula

  1. Oh, Do they do that in African cultures as well? (if by native you mean Native American that is) If so, that could explain it then.
  2. Yeah, unfortunately I meant saliva, like it'd been in chewed all day in something's mouth, which is still a little scary and to be honest, I think my item will finally have to go in the trash as well. For safety reasons, if nothing else... No one seems to have heard leather emitting this type of odor before
  3. Haha, thanks for answering I mean, the odor is quite obvious, even my family agreed with me on what it smelled like but more importantly, why would leather even smell like that? That was my question. The company said it was a sign of authenticity and the smell is typical with the local material the jewelry is made out of,.... but is it really supposed to smell like that?
  4. By the way guys, photo of said pendant
  5. Hello guys I purchased a necklace which has a pendant that consists of leather and cowry shells. Upon removing the item from packaging and trying it on, I noticed a strong saliva like smell emitting from the leather part of the pendant. I asked the company that shipped the product about the acrid odor, and they said the leather has its own unique smell and it's a sign of authenticity not inferiority. I'm sorry if this a stupid question, but it is really supposed to smell like that? The fact that it smelled like dried saliva and I put the thing on worried me.
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