We tend to spend a few bucks on tack. Good saddles run about $400 - $500 (at least the barrel saddle I want) and it's not unheard of for top barrel racers, ropers, jumpers, eventers, essentially the top of the industry to buy saddles $2,000+. I've seen some English saddles at $5,000+. Breast collars (for Western riders, they help hold the saddle in place) can go from about $23 for synthetic up into the hundreds for leather, depending on things such as designs, if it's tooled or not, hide inlay, conchos/bling (gamers love bling), ect. I've seen custom leather sets with simple designs and minimum work for $200 (set being a sliding ear headstall and breast collar, simple being what is called the straight design,I'll see if I can't find pictures if you're interested). So moral of the story, we're much more willing to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to get quality leather tack and not spend $5 on a shirt for ourselves. A lot of show people do spend hundreds on nice show outfits, but it all depends on what you're showing in...
I can't help yah about sales though.