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Posts posted by CicadaLeatherDesigns

  1. I am not asking for handouts. Kickstarter is a wonderful community of people who enjoy supporting artists and musicians. In exchange for backing a project, a person receives rewards including products, publicity and the deep gratitude from creative folks. Its not about handouts but rather about encouraging and funding artistic endeavors that otherwise would go unnoticed. In today' s world, part of "get-up and go" includes the social media and included in that is crowd-funding. I think its a wonderful thing that despite the depression we are in, people still want to see the little guy make it.

    Mia Barrett

    Hi Mia,

    I know absolutely nothing about "kick starter".

    When I began my foray into the art of leather my income was $72.00 per month. Admittedly, that was a long time ago. The point I am making is, I had little to nothing as far as money. I did have a lot of " Get-up and Go". I ask for nothing. My question is this, " Why do so many expect so much monetarily?"I have no problem with offering info, I do have problem with asking for handouts.

    BTW: I have given several folks that were down and out, materials and tools.


  2. Thanks for the 'best of luck'! Kickstarter reviews all projects before they go live. They not only approved my campaign but honored it as a Staff Pick. But thanks for the heads up.

    I honestly wish you the best of luck, but, I think I remember there being something in the Kickstart ToS about funding having to go directly towards a specific product, not just an overall business start-up fund or for getting supplies.

    I genuinely hope that they have changed their rules to make that a more accessible goal for people, but I think they might take issue with your goal.

    Admittedly, I am remembering this from looking through their ToS from several months ago, so my info might be outdated.

  3. Hello,

    My name is Mia. I have loved this forum for all the help its given me. So much to learn! In order to make my business into what I dream I need some support. I have aKickstarter campaign to raise the necessary funds. My goal is $2000. If I do not reach my goal I do not get any money. The funds will go towards buying desperately needed new tools and American-made supplies.

    If you back my campaign you get awesome leathergoods. Also you get a shout out on Twitter and Facebook. And your name and website will be listed as contributors on my site.

    With your support you can make this happen. A dollar helps. Sharing on Facebook, a tweet, or a conversation with a friend all help. Lets get the word out! Thank you very much. I cant do this without people like you.



  4. I have an Etsy shop. I opened it a few months ago so it has yet to be profitable. I hope that with time, increased amount of products, and a little exposure, it will all be worth it. I am not sure that Etsy is the best place for me. It requires both Etsy membership and paypal account so I worry that that is a deterrent for customers. So I made a separate website on Big Cartel. Time will tell which is best for me.



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