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    Fort Wayne, IN
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  1. Not meaning to revive an old thread but meaning to revive an old thread. I have been asking several "Maker Stamp" makers lately; What material they use for their stamps and how they make them. Many of them have said that they are laser cutting them from Delrin. I think that's cool as I have worked a lot with acetyl. Making bearings and linear slide plates from it in my past work. A lot of non-leather working (tool and die maker) people that I have spoken to about this have the idea that it's not hard enough. They don't have any idea until I show them the pliability of wet Veg Tan! Then they are like! "Oh yeah that would work!" So recently I have looked into "cheater stamps" to help me speed up production. Especially since I was offered a job with (not saying the name) the most high dollar saddle maker in the US; To tool saddles for them. I looked at many of their saddles at "The Congress", and the people they have tooling their saddles now are also using "cheater stamps"! Cheater stamps are these for the uninitiated https://www.steelstampsinc.com/sheridan-tooling Seems this company is the only one I have found and I have done many google searches over and over again! I was in kahoots (for a minute) with a tool and die buddy of mine to machine similar stamps from metal! Then we got to looking into the price of the metal (Stainless), the wear and tear on tooling and set-up time and lo and behold we came up with the idea of lasers and acetyl! So Shazzam! This coming spring I am going to buy a 100W laser and embark on an endeavor to make acetyl "cheater stamps"! So! Anyone with any serious die making experience please chime in with your thoughts and examples or concerns!
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