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About Egraham

  • Birthday 04/24/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tonganoxie, KS

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Custom conchos & horse tack
  • Interested in learning about
    As much as I can....!!

Egraham's Achievements


Member (2/4)

  1. No big deal... I'm glad that I can inspire others to join the craft, was just suprised me to find my pic being used by someone else. This forum is a great resource for learning,, I ask a lot of questions in here too.... You can always send me an email.
  2. I'm flattered that your a fan, but maybe ask me before using my work as your profile pic. I work very hard to keep my stuff unique and don't want my pics all over the place without giving credit to who made them.. Graham Equine
  3. Thank you... Thank you... Double U & Bruce,,, your advice is greatly appreciated.
  4. I've been wanting to make some customized rope and goat rope cans... but have a few questions. Hoping you guys can point me in the right direction. My main question is how is the finished leather peice applied to the plastic can? Is it just glued on...what type of glue would you reccomend that would be strong enough to not peel up after time.... (if that is even how they do it).... Any help is appreciated.
  5. This might be a long shot... but I am desperate to find "6" swarvoski rivits in Aquamarine Blue 34ss size (7mm). Conchos.com shoted my order and doesnt know when they are coming in.... But I need them to finish a tack set for a rodeo queen and my deadline is fast approaching.... Does anyone have some I can buy, or know where to find some more. These have the backs that rivit into leather, not the glue on type. Thanks.
  6. Hello

    I an not much of a typest or speller but if you will call me i will try to help you




  7. Am I the only one that has trouble setting snaps? I have tried different kinds & even took my tools into the store (to make sure I had the right ones).... I just cant seem to do it right,, & the line 20's just bend over or strip out..... why is this so difficult?? Please help...
  8. You could buy a cheap one and take it apart to get a pattern if you needed to. I make my all own so I can be creative with them.. and also so I can make differnt styles. l"m not a huge fan of the really thick ones,, Ive seen people making them 4"-5" wide & they swallow up the horses face. I try to stay around 3" wide, and for the legnth just measure the nose off a halter you have laying around. They are really pretty simple..
  9. Just wondering what success you've had gluing crystals onto leather? I have both E600 & E9000 cement glues... would you reccomend using either of thoes or is there something better out there? How sturdy are they.. or will they just fall off after a short while? Thanks.
  10. I have the hand setters for the rivits & spots... but would rather buy a press/machine that deos them... can someone reccomend one, or give a link to where to buy something like that? Thank You.
  11. Hi.. I joined a couple days ago. I didnt realize there was an area to post links to our businesses . Really liking this forum... glad to find so many others that share the same passion. I make custom conchos for a living (which look really cool on all your leather products).. and it keeps me quite busy. The tack side is a new hobby for me.. that will hopefully one day blossom into an extra income when I get good enough, lol.. Feel free to check out my website... and if you have FB I'd love for you to visit my page sometime.. www.facebook.com/grahamequine my website is www.grahamequine.com Looking forward to getting to know some of you better.
  12. New to the site... just a little background on me. I recently got a bunch of tools handed down to me.. so I bought my first sewing machine last weekend (Cobra class 3) which I ♥. I acctually make custom conchos but have wanted to make my own tack for a long time... This is one of my first pieces, a bronc noseband for my mother. I think I did a pretty decent job (I make one little mistake on the border stamp)... but what do you think? I have never had any kind of instruction or mentoring... so I need all the help I can get. What can I improve on? I dont get offended easily,,, so feel free to offer some helpful critizism. This is an Icelandic Horse (if anyone is wondering)..
  13. I have seen thoes in the leahter store... I will pick one up. I could probably just glue it to my slab that way its always there.
  14. Hi... Love this site for allthe valuable information. I make custom conchos for a living, but have just started making my own leather tack and horse equipment. Thanks for stoppin by my profile :)

  15. Great idea... I will try that,, I will steal one from the kitchen.. Thanks
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