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Everything posted by TheRealScaryLarry

  1. Hello Bill, Do you still have these? If so, how much are you charging for each of these stamps? Hello Everyone, I had been trying to sign in since last Friday and sent 3 help messages without any reply until today?? Anyway i am here now and i would like to let everyone know that i have some Barontool LA stamps listed on ebay using the ID freedom454 The stamps are all 3 of the Harley-Davidson stamps that Baron made plus one of the Marijuana (Pot Leaf) stamps #209 i have attached the photos so that you can see what they look like here Also if you are in need of any other 2D-3D or any other stamps made by Craftool or The Leather Factory before they took over Tandy or any other of the tools made by Barontool Co. Please contact me... Thanks Bill Miles
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