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    Leather Tack Tooling, Leather Cases
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  1. May have to make a few changes to make it how I am envisioning but that might just work! Thanks for sharing this with me.
  2. I’ll take a look. Thanks!
  3. I have been looking for a pattern for a double gusset briefcase with a flap and buckles on the front and can’t seem to find one anywhere. Also looking for a pattern to make a buckskin rifle scabbard as well. If anyone has any recommendations or knows where I could find either of these patterns I would greatly appreciate the help.
  4. Attached is a picture of what I’m talking about. I am able to get within about 1/4” of the corner with my edger but can’t get all the way in to the corner.
  5. Thanks for the reply Dwight. As you can see in the picture, I can use my edger to get within about 1/4” of the corner but can get in there all the way.
  6. I am looking for advice on edging inside corners of a project. I can get witching about 1/8-1/4” from the corner with my edger but not all the way in to the corner. Thanks in advance for the insight.
  7. I'll give that a try. Thank you!
  8. I definitely meant "neatsfoot" but the autocorrect got the best of me. Thanks for the advice!
  9. I am just finishing a belt I made from latigo leather and am wondering if anyone has any experience or advice for finishing/waterproofing it so it doesn't bleed? Will just using meats foot oil be sufficient? I can't seem to find any resources online. Thanks in advance!
  10. I am just finishing a belt I made from latigo leather and am wondering if anyone has any experience or advice for finishing/waterproofing it so it doesn't bleed? Thanks in advance!
  11. Would anyone have any advice on a good way to transfer a pattern onto leather? I have been drawing the pattern out on regular paper, transfer it onto tracing paper, then using a stylus to go over the tracing paper onto the leather. The problem I am having is that the tracing paper tends to tear and wad up when I go over the lines with my stylus and as it gets wet from the leather under it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Would anyone have any advice on a good way to transfer a pattern onto leather? I have been drawing the pattern out on regular paper, transfer it onto tracing paper, then using a stylus to go over the tracing paper onto the leather. The problem I am having is that the tracing paper tends to tear and wad up when I go over the lines with my stylus and as it gets wet from the leather under it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Was wondering how much space around the edge of a belt is needed to buckstitch? I'm getting ready to make a 1 3/4" floral tooled belt and would like to buckstitch the edges. The width of the tooled area will be 1 1/4" leaving 1/4" around the edge. Will that be enough to buckstitch? If so I am leaning towards using a 5/32" angled chisel and 3/32" white plastic lace from tandy. Just wondering if that size of chisel will be good and will that size of lace work with that chisel size? Thanks a lot for your advice.
  14. rotary punch is what i have been using. would it be better to use a single punch set and mallet? if i could find a good solid rotary punch that is just about as convenient
  15. I have went through 2 leather punches in the last month and am looking to find one that is durable and strong enough that the handles wont bend. Any suggestions for a good quality punch that will last?
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