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  • Gender
  • Location
    Scottish Highlands
  • Interests
    Leatherwork, Series Landrovers, Hifi/music and film

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    traditional casemaking
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    all leatherwork
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    looking for fittings

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  1. Hi, I have been using Sedgwick's leather care recently, and am very pleased with it, both to 'revive' older' leathergoods that have dryed out, and to treat newer items. It does not seem to mark the leather, whis is a problem with some products, but as always, try out on a part of the item first, see http://www.je-sedgwick.co.uk/products/leather-preparation-care/original-leathercare/#more-244 All the best, simon baker casemakers
  2. Hi Ralph, truely impressive work, congrats. all the best, simon

  3. Hi KS, thanks for your comments, but I can't claim to have thought of this first. I do mainly traditional work, with a little twist but aiming for 'perfection' of construction and form, if thats not too arty. all the best, simon
  4. Hi Jimbob, thanks for that, sorry for the delay, still learning how to navigate around this site. simon

  5. Really nice lines, like the design detailing, keep at it, all the best, simon
  6. Hi Ray, I would second the advise of Chuck, the books by John W. Waterer, especially 'Leather in Life, Art and Industry', will be the place to start. This looks at the history of the different leather trades in the UK. There are some on sale in Amazon from just £14, which is not bad, they can be a lot more expensive. all the best, simon
  7. Hi, I am not sure if you are looking for a craftsman, or a factory? are you looking for individual items, or a factory to produce wholesale lines. you can find examples of some of my work, simon baker casemakers, in my gallery, no. 1, or via my web site, simon baker casemakers. regards, simon baker
  8. Greetings to the Scottish Highlands and a tru master of leatherwork...Love your cases!!


  9. Hi, this was russian reindeer hide, the front and back/bend/flap were bonded onto 1.5mm bridle ( the reindeer is not thick enough or firm enough by itself ) all hand stitched apart from the strapping which was machine stitched. Took about 42 hours, using an existing standard briefcase pattern of mine. this one cost £2500. I don't know how much more of this leather is left, so it is very expensive, it has to be bought up from the sea bed, cleaned and re treated.
  10. Thanks for the comments, all hand stitched, aprox. 9" wide, a difficult wee piece to make, ah the joys of bespoke work. 32 hours including pattern cutting, but not 'head scratching time' regards simon
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