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White Fox

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Posts posted by White Fox

  1. I was just gifted a buffalo hide today. Its been mostly scraped, salted, and dried. It still has all its fur, and if possible I would like to keep it that way. Its been folded fur inwards in its dried state. I do not have the brains for tanning this hide. The person that gave it to me has scraped two hides before but sent them to be tanned by a facility, he didnt really care for spending the money on this hide.

    I would like to know, what the general process is, what chemicals are best used (preferably environmentally safe, like can I use white vinegar instead of acid for pickling?). I have a general process in mind, but any additional personal experiences or information I get before I start the process is greatly appreciated. I have not tanned anything before. It could be a few days to a couple of weeks before I am in a situation where I have the time to tan this hide properly.


  2. Hello, I'm new! My name is White Fox, and I am a house-less, mostly penny-less, traveling artist, and one of the things I got into this past year is leather working.

    Glad I found this site!

    Here are some of the things I've worked on the last year. I take critiques but remember I'm still fairly new at this. :) Everything I do is hand sewn!


    My own personal attire: (sorry for the terrible photo!)

    Arctic fox pelt made into a hat, red fox ears removable from the head.

    Mutli Leather Skirt - Deer, Cow, Sheep scraps pieced together in a puzzle like fashion.

    Moccasins - Red and light brown deer hide


    Renaissance skirt:

    Deer and cow hide.


    Renaissance leather Shirt: (you can see my puzzle piece skirt better in this photo, and my leather belt)

    Red and light brown deer hide




    Cow, Peacock, Cow with fur, Deer


    Bags with shoulder straps:

    Deer, Cow, Cow with Fur, and Fox Fur used.


    Let me know what you guys think! This is how I make a living, I also hand carve bull and buffalo horn into feather shapes and sell them as pendants. But since that's not technically leather I wont post that.

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