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About SarahW

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 02/13/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Amelia VA
  • Interests
    horses mostly. leather working of course. Cattle dogs. And Lots of reading.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Just starting out but mosly things for horses and dogs and whatever people want me to try and make
  • Interested in learning about
    just about anything.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    just looking around

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  1. I was gifted an old sewing machine a few weeks ago and I'm not sure what to do with it. I know nothing about this machine or weather it will even work with leather. It has a small 80 watt motor and wasn't designed to work with leather its just something someone had sitting in their barn. Does anyone know anything at all about this thing? It needs a lot of work and cleaning up and rewiring and I want to know if I should just sell it or clean it up. ~Thanks in advance
  2. Does anyone know if there are people around south richmond area who would be willing give a few tips and some guidenace to someone who is fairly new to the Leather workign world? I took some classes in College and have spend the last 6 months or so getting back into it. my skills are improving but if there is someone who has some time I would like to learn some new things I cant figure out on my own.
  3. I made this, with the help of my fiance Jacob, for one of they guys he works with. He has a cast & was having trouble working at the shop welding. Soooo Jacob goes "Sarah can fix that" and came home with a tracing of the cast and 2 days l8tr no more problems. I made it out of some peaces I took from a very old dear skin vest I found. turned out ok I think. What do you all think? cast cover.bmp
  4. Hi, I'm fairly new to leather working. I took a few classes in College (about 2 years ago) and decided I needed a hobby that wasn't my job too so I went and bought more tools and have been getting back into leather. I have most of all the tools I know I need and my Fiance is making me a stitching horse soon. What I need help with is finding patterns or learning how to make patterns for the things I want to make. My teacher always helped us find or make patterns (i.e. make them for us) anyone have suggestions? I know how to read a ruler I just dont know what the rules are on how much extra here or there for stitching or anything like that. lol every time I try to make something I realize I know less about this than I feel like I should. I really dont know where to start in relearning everything. Thanks to those who are willing to help The picture is of the first project i did a few weeks ago (after said fiance decided he could loosen the leather up a little by folding it.) I didnt measure enough to compensate for the # of cards he would want to put in.
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