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Everything posted by Daniyar

  1. Daniyar

    Kindle paperwhite cover

    My first kindle papperwhite cover. The insides are not too OK, but overall looks fine. The picture is a petroglyph from Tamgaly Tas area (near Almaty, Kazakhstan)
  2. Daniyar

    20150306 132416

    From the album: Kindle paperwhite cover

    The insides came out a bit curved, probably will get more streigh with time. Hope so )))
  3. Daniyar

    20150306 132400

    From the album: Kindle paperwhite cover

    Theme of the picture is Solarheaded man, from Tamgaly Tas area, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  4. Nice work! Can you upload the patterns you used alos? I would appriciate.
  5. Приветствую! Рад видеть земляков ))) Ну или почти земляков, я с Устьк...

  6. Anybody from Kazakhstan here?

    1. SandSquid


      Just got home from a year and a half in Afghnistan.

    2. arbalet12


      Я из Казахстана

    3. arbalet12


      Я из Казахстана

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