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  1. well i messed with it and for me the best way was to put the black dye on with a brush and then put the sheen over it and dye the rest of it.
  2. well thanks for the help everybody i did yalls tips and i think it came out pretty good here is a piece that i tried it on
  3. well i wasn't going to go as far as the person did with the coloring in the 3d stamp and i have the fancy letters i tried to do something with them but it is hard for me to see the small areas so it doesn't come out good but i will try the rest of what yall have said im going to get some practice pieces first before i start on the real thing.
  4. no sadly i do not i do love the people at tandy leather in austin they were always very helpful and even were going to come up to our blind school to teach us some basic leather work but sadly i had to leave before they did so i had just learned by trial and error thanks for the help cause i probably would have not been able to see the glue that stayed there and then got frustrated when it didn't come out right
  5. i was not flyng off the handle i was stating a fact sorry if it sounded like i was
  6. i thought this place would be a good place to get help but i guess i was wrong ill make sure not to look to this place for help ever again thanks for all the help with one single post yall are so helpful
  7. how about painters tape would that work i was thinking about that but i wasn't sure what it would do to the leather.
  8. i am new to leather i just started learning it while i was at a blind school in austin and was wanting to know what was the best way to get a clean line when you are doing two tone dyeing on a rifle sling i seen this sling on ebay and wanted to make one that is similar to it any help would be appreciated.
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