I started to make gun holsters, for me only so far, and when it comes to molding, I keep getting conflicting advise.
How I do it is that I wet the leather with almost hot water ... then immediately place it over my gun and start molding it with a plastic bone.
I was told to
1. wet the leather
2. place it in a pastic bag and let it sit overnight
3. then start molding the nexct day
elsewhere in this forum i read to
1. wet the leather
2. wait for it to dry to almost the return of its color
3 then start molding
After I wet the leather, how soon before I start to mold it?
I wet it by placing leather under running hot water, flipping the sides, for a minute or so .....
What am I doing wrong? How can I do it better?
Please help.
Here is a photo of the holster I made for my XDM 9mm
ps: this post is about MOLDING, whereas i posted the pics on another post for GENERAL design advise. I hope my posts are NOT considered double posting, if it is, please accept my apologies, it was not my intent. One post is for MOLDING advise, the other is about DESIGN advise.