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About jprieto

  • Birthday 07/24/1959

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  • Location
    Miami, Florida
  • Interests
    Leather Craft

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    holsters, cases, wallets
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. nice i like it
  2. here is another link to same video in case other people see wrong video too Another link to Nick's video
  3. possible you saw wrong video the video is about a friend nothing at all about a thalidomide baby i double checked link, and it links to the right video the video does relate to reaching goals and being good at leathercraft is a goal of mine, and of many others pretty sure you are talking about a different video the video is about a friend, by the way thanks ps: this is considered one of the most inspirational videos ever!
  4. We all here want to be good, very good, at leather craft. Sometimes, to me and perhaps a few others, it get a little fustrating. But I learned that those discouraging periods are considered the DOWN times, and there is a video that I watched that helped my stick to keep at it, and get UP again I hope you will enjoy this video, and find it an inspiration too. And perhaps one day you will reach your goals, he did! Enjoy (comments very apreciated, good or bad) A Must Watch Video
  5. thanks guys (and girls) case closed
  6. uhm... crossbreed remora N82Tactical and... http://www.lasersightpro.com/ those holsters, to me, are innovations "Innovation" = introducing something new (in this case, as it relates to the post, a new visual design, or a new design to enhance functionality) notice the attached photo: very innovative gun with any type of Rail Accessories can still fit in the holster you still think there is no more room for holster innovation? what say you?
  7. I noticed that a lot of the members here sell their creations under a business entity XYZ Leatherworks ----- so my question is, why they not using XYZ Leathercraft ?? See what I mean? i will be making leather creations from scratch (pattern, cut, mold, stitch, etc) now then ... So, let's say I want to start selling my leather creations, and I register a DBA ....... should I name it (1) MEME LEATHERWORK, or...... (2) MEME LEATHERCRAFT Which is proper usage? THAT is what my concern is, as it relates to this post. What say you?
  8. when do you use the word leathercraft and when do you use the word leatherworks? i mean... what is the difference between these words forgive my ignorance
  9. I have seen very nice biker wallets, here and elsewhere however, none of them specify which leather type was used im into veg-tan leather for all my work im wondering which weight type of leather are ideal for inside pockets of biker wallets? is is possible to use SAME leather weight for all parts (cover, pockets)? or will it be too thick? any links to a tutorial for making biker wallets? thanks in advance
  10. i noticed that most holsters have similar design (pattern) im looking to do something different im attaching three designs i did that i do not see as being common in the stores or online are there any other "different looking" designs you have seen? im looking to get inspired for new ideas here are my designs, so far
  11. Aha!!!! thats what i was thinking -- thank God, you confirm it ..... many thanks!! all other tips above are indeed VERY USEFUL TO ME and will incorporate into all future work thanks
  12. jprieto

    My various XDM holsters

    Im new at holster making. I did these for my own gun. Hope you like them.
  13. I started to make gun holsters, for me only so far, and when it comes to molding, I keep getting conflicting advise. How I do it is that I wet the leather with almost hot water ... then immediately place it over my gun and start molding it with a plastic bone. I was told to 1. wet the leather 2. place it in a pastic bag and let it sit overnight 3. then start molding the nexct day elsewhere in this forum i read to 1. wet the leather 2. wait for it to dry to almost the return of its color 3 then start molding MY QUESTION IS..... After I wet the leather, how soon before I start to mold it? I wet it by placing leather under running hot water, flipping the sides, for a minute or so ..... What am I doing wrong? How can I do it better? Please help. Here is a photo of the holster I made for my XDM 9mm ps: this post is about MOLDING, whereas i posted the pics on another post for GENERAL design advise. I hope my posts are NOT considered double posting, if it is, please accept my apologies, it was not my intent. One post is for MOLDING advise, the other is about DESIGN advise.
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