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Everything posted by ShadowDancer

  1. Hi Wiz and other forum readers. Like so many others, I too have enthusiastically read many of the posts here, and thank all of you for taking the time to help light the way. I didn't find any answers to my exact question, and since it seems that others might share the question, I decided to post it here. I'm looking for a great leather sewing machine for under $500. Here is a list of features, gleaned from the many posts I've read here, that are on my wish list. I'd like to get as close to these parameters as possible, without modifications, and realize that I just may never get all of these items within my price range. I also realize the first question I'll always be asked is: "What are you planning to sew with it?" Let's just assume that I have in mind sewing a wide variety of types and thicknesses of leathers, but nothing so thick as saddles and holsters (say max 1/4"). So versatility is good, reliability is important, and ease of use is paramount. Speed is not a factor for me. I'd rather go really slowly and have maximum control (control freak - just sayin'). I have done most of my stitching by hand to date and a machine at its slowest speed will still be light years faster than anything I have done before. But I'm also a tool freak and love a good quality machine, and so I don't want to be disappointed, but as a primarily craft (non professional) worker, I just can't justify the expense. And I really don't care about a zillion bells and whistles. A few simple stitches, excellent quality and control, and I'll be really happy. WISH LIST 10" Bed 3/8" Capacity Walking Foot Compound Feed Servo Motor I think that's it. That's not so much to ask is it? Is it? Thanks again everyone for your great information, and thanks in advance for your replies. -ShadowDancer
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