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  1. Hi. Thanks for the replies. I finally managed to find an old Osborne, so I'm a happy camper now. best, --john
  2. James: I ended up getting a servomotor from Aliexpress (around $200, free shipping here to New Zealand). It works fine. It's 750W : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1872320341.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4d53T3WP I still don't have an automatic foot lifter or backstitching, but I can live without them. I put a manual knee lifter on it, which is fine. I don't use the auto thread cutter, so that's no big deal for me. The machine is stitching great now. I wouldn't bother trying to keep your old motor and motherboard. They're basically boat anchors now. The new motors are very small and lightweight, and very powerful. Make sure you get the right pulley(s) for speed reduction, if you need that. I'd say that $1,300 is too much to pay for that, but I might be wrong. The installation of the new servomotor is usually straightforward and simple, with some adjustments, etc. Good luck with it.
  3. Hi, MikeRock, Yeah, thanks for the suggestion, but I've used wooden ones (well made, out of hardwood) and they just don't stack up to a good steel one. I'm not desperate for one just now, but would certainly like to find one. best, --john
  4. HI, all Looking for a rein rounder, like the old Osborne ones. Would rather find a bench mounted one (with legs) instead of the vise-mounted type, but I'll consider either. I'm in New Zealand. The Weaver ones aren't shipping right now. Bruce Johnson has some, and though I don't mind paying top dollar for one, the shipping puts it out of range. Just looking to see if there are any other sources. New, old... doesn't matter to me, as long as it's a good, workable tool. Thanks. --john
  5. Thanks for that, Kayak.
  6. Hi, All. A friend is looking for a pair of this type of lasting pincers. Anyone got a pair? Thanks. --john
  7. Thanks a lot, Glenn and mikesc. Those are the right parts (screw and thread guide). And they'll even let me order less than the minimum £25, but the shipping is almost £40, which is about $80NZD. Adler seems to have bailed out of New Zealand, due to some sort of argument with their dealer here, so unless I can find a local repairman with a used one, I'll probably have to make a thread guide and figure out the screw's size & pitch. Back when I had my shop I would have had dozens of these things in a drawer [grin]. Thanks again for the tip. best, -john £
  8. Hi all, Am piecing together an Adler 767 flatbed machine. Compound feed (walking foot). I'm missing the little thread guide and screw that is attached to the needle bar. It's the last guide that the thread goes through before it's threaded through the needle. Will probably just make a wire thread guide myself, but still need that little screw that holds it to the needle bar. Looks like a very small screw, and I'm guessing it's metric. I'm in New Zealand, and it's not all that easy to just go down to the hardware store and buy a handful of screws in order to match it up. If anyone knows the size, it'd probably save me a few trips to town [grin]. --john
  9. Hi, Yes, that's what I was thinking...having a separate power supply. But not sure how to go about having the mechanism tell the foot to "lift and stay up", or how to switch from lifting it to lowering it, when I start to stitch. Maybe I should just try to find a hand-operated mechanism and install it [grin] the air supply comes from a separate air compressor. It's a small one, so it doesn't make too much noise... --je
  10. Hi all, I'm converting an older Adler 767-FA-373 machine from its original Quick Rotan servo motor system to a new one. I'm installing a Skyrit TS750P-2. This is a 750 watt, 220 volt system. I'm in New Zealand, and this motor came directly from China. Everything is fine, except there was a distinct lack of a service manual or any schematics for hooking up wiring. The new control box (see pics) has 3 connectors: the motor, the treadle control, and one for a light. I need to send low voltage to my old knee switch, which operates the pneumatic foot lifter. The new controller doesn't have a foot lift. My old system's foot lifter was wired this way: knee lever (switch) into old control box (round 4-pin connector) control box out to pneumatic control box pneumatic control box connects to air supply & pneumatic ram (foot lifter) Hoping to make this work, but I might be whipping a dead horse here. Being in NZ, it's not easy getting parts. Any ideas on making this thing work? Thanks a lot. I'll upload the pictures in 2 batches. best, --john
  11. @Gregg From Keystone Sewing: Gregg, does this motor (the one Constabulary mentioned) come in 220V, single phase? If so, is there a price difference between it and the 110 volt model? https://store.keysew.com/sp-1100-npfl
  12. Constabulary: Yes, I know what to look for. Thanks for the tips. Gregg: yes, when I had my saddle shop in New Mexico many years ago, I had Efka servo motors on some of my flatbed machines. They were 220 volt, single phase. Here in NZ it's all 220 volt, and household current is single phase. Industrial stuff can be 3-phase, as well. And on a completely different subject, why am I not being notified of responses to this thread? (I have it turned on...) Just wondering if there's some forum setting I'm missing somewhere. Thanks.
  13. Thanks for all the replies, folks. Sorry, have been out of touch for a bit. mb5: thanks for the manual. It's pretty close to what I have, so I'll download those pics. Constabulary: thanks for the tip to that website. That looks like the motor I need, except for a problem: It's 110 volt. I need a 240 volt unit. I don't see any servo motors for 240 volt systems. Amazingly, they charge less than $10 to ship it to New Zealand. Might be that it's drop-shipped from China, but I don't know. I'll send them an email and see if they have any 1 hp servo motors that use 240 volts. Thanks.
  14. Thanks. I'm still nosing around, trying to figure things out. Since I can get an 800-watt, 240 volt servo motor on AliExpress for about $200, I'll probably go with that. This machine has a pneumatic foot lifter that is powered by the Quick Rotan controller. So if I replace the controller, I'm not sure if the new one will be able to send voltage (I don't know what the rating is...) to the switch that operates the foot lift. The switch is on a knee lever and connects to the control box via a multipin connector. If I know what the voltage/power is, I can probably power it from the new control box. I'm still checking that out.
  15. The machine has a pneumatic foot lifter that is operated with a knee lever switch, which is already hooked up. If I get a servo motor I assume I'll need to figure out how to power that switch from the motor's controller somehow. I can't seem to find manuals on those Hohsing servos, or on the Skyrit ones on Aliexpress. I'm looking at a 750 watt motor for around $200 (free shipping to NZ), but I can't tell if the controller has extra plugs to power foot lifts, etc. Don't want to start messing with the mechanicals on the machine head, as they seem to be okay. Any ideas? Thanks. --john
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