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About moosedoom

  • Rank
    New Member

Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    costuming, leatherworking :P, star trek, conventions, rock music, and lots of other nerdy things.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    armor, painting methods, anything that can be taught
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    google search
  1. They have a brand called Angelus leather paint. Anyone heard of it or know anything about it?
  2. I am having trouble finding a paint to use on a leather belt I am making. I have done multipe tests. Tried Liquitex spray paint, which wrinkles if its bent. So that does not adhere to movement. Regular spray paint(kryolen), which i figured it would not work but I tried anyways. Cracks in multiple places. Also screenprinting ink. It doesn't go on very smoothly but it seems to adhere well. I have not tried ecoflo paints yet but I here that it doesn't go on smoothly, and also rubs off. I will be trying this method soon and make sure I seal it correctly. Anyone have any ideas? I have the belt cut, just need to figure this out.
  3. Would you thin out the eco flo with water or dye thinner?
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