I'm hoping that you can help me out.
I've been working with leather for a couple of years no, mostly sheaths and such. But now I am working on a briefcase similar to a Saddleback Leather style one. I have the leather, materials, and tools, but i am not sure of the beast order to do things in to achieve the best outcome. Having scoured this forum, this is the best order I can come up with, but I can see some possible issues. Any advice you can give would be appreciated.
The order of tasks:
A) Cut out leather pattern pieces
Groove leather and mark holes for lacing. Cut hoiles where needed
C) Burnish edges
D) Dye leather
E) Cement pigskin liner
F) Glue, sew, and rivet pieces together (including all hardware)
G) Finish/treat/buff leather
Am I close? One of the things I have been thinking is that C-F may need to be in a different order. Dyeing the leather first, gets it into all the places it needes to be. But I feel like the edges should be burnished after the piece is assembled to give a good edges where two or more pieces come together. Wouldn't this require dyeing it after the being sewn?
Again, I would love any advice you'd care to share.