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About Hunter1908

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Currently unknown
  • Interested in learning about
    the basics, and how to make holsters
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    typed in leatherworking on google.
  1. They are also coming out with their own "pro series". They are going to be released 2013 made of stainless steel, but made in china. At my local Tandy the prices went from 7 up to 8. The price increase on their products was October 1st.
  2. I have Resolene and Mop N Glo. I also just bought some snow proof. I was directed toward the snow proof to help water with water proofing. So far I prefer the MNG over the Resolene, but haven't tried the snow proof yet. Thanks for the tips, and I will definitely check out the how to make a belt thread.
  3. Hey everyone, I'm new and am trying my best to figure out how to do different things. I have made a couple of belts (using blanks) and they are soft when i start but after the dyeing process the belts get stiff. Is there something I can use to soften the leather after dyeing? I am using Fiebings pro oil black diluted 3:1 with iso. alcohol. Thanks for the help and your time. Chris
  4. I went to Michael's arts and craft store today. They are having a sale on small foam brushes for .05 cents a piece. They are advertised as 20 for $1. Just thought some of you might be interested in this.
  5. All this information is a great help! Thank you everyone, I will hopefully be able to put this information to use tomorrow. When I finish it, I will post in the critique section. Twin Oaks, my razor is the one that snaps off into sections. I don't get any drag when I am cutting with it. I think it is a mix of what lightingale and hellfireJack said. I was using a plastic see through ruler which I am replacing today, and I can guarentee you that I was being heavy handed with it. Thanks again everyone!
  6. Well the ruler makes sense. I have a clear plastic one, that I purcased thinking the same thing. Thanks for the tips on the straight lines for both cutting and the border. Sometimes I overlap my stamps as well, does that just g away with practice or is there a trick to that?
  7. Hey everyone, my name is Chris. I started leatherworking about 2 weeks ago, and am hooked. So I guess the leather bug bit me. Well onto my question. I am currently working on my first project which is a book cover. I seem to be having a problem with straight lines. Cutting in a straight line and stamping my borders in a straight line. The leather I am cutting is about 18" long and 10" wide. I am using a razor blade to cut the leather. I am not having any problems with cutting it, just in a straight line. I have been using a ruler, but either the ruler is moving while I am cutting, or I am holding the ruler crooked. If the ruler is crooked I can't tell that it is not.I don't have more than maybe 10 more dollars to spend between now and the month of October on this (leatherworking). I have already spent much more than I was supposed to on this, and my pay is getting severally cut for the month of September. Thanks for all of your help in advance! Chris
  8. I met another customer at my local Tandy shop, and he told me that he had a tool of his break that was many years old, and they replaced it for free. He told me he didn't have the reciept or anything. So I don't know if they do that all the time or not, but doesn't hurt to ask. By the way, my name is Chris. I just started leather working a week ago with the deluxe starter kit as well.
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