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About amateursewing

  • Birthday 01/02/1960

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    Industrial sewing machines, leatherwork

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    industrial sewing machines, types of threads for leather etc

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  1. IT IS!! IT IS!!! Its a little screw on the back of the treadle plate arm!! just unscrewed it and there is a flat section on that stud and it fits through the eye on the rod from the flywheel!! Hurrah!! thanks Amateursewing
  2. OOOOOH!!! when I look at this photo carefully it looks to me like there is a screw on the backside of the little arm - I am getting ready to go to the airport now so havent much time to investigate this, what do you think?? Amateursewing
  3. Hi CD, no its not the axles I want to undo it is the pin in the other side of the Singer foot treadle, that is for putting the pitman rod from the flywheel on to, the rod fromt he flywheel has been disconnected but I would like to reconnect it should I ever use this treadle base for treadling, I just CANNOT get this stud out of the end of the treadle plate, there is an eye on the end of the pitman rod from the flywheel and it seems that the stud on the treadle plate must go through this eye on the rod so that it can be treadled. What do you think? thnaks Amateursewing I have tried soaking this stud on the treadle plate in WD40 and pentrating oil , I have tried hammering it out but am not sureif it is screwed in, there isnt much room to get a wrench on it to unscrew it unless I turn the whole table over. Its really p'ing me off.
  4. I have an old singer 188k in a Singer treadle industrial base, the problem is that I would like to attach the pitmacn rod from the wheel to the treadle foot, there seems to be a metal stud in the side of the treadle base and which goes thorugh the eye at the end of the pitman rod, I cannot get this pin out of the treadle foot, it wont hammer out and there isnt enough space to get purchase on it with a wrench to see if it screws out, can anyhole help?? dont want to smash it!! thanks amateursewing
  5. yES, i found that video in Swedish orFinnish, which is not understandable, I also saw something about the google docs parts book, but its a book to BUY, not a proper google doc book that you can open freely, given there are no downloads for the manual for this machine and the Singer own site does not recognize this machine then I think it must have been a short production run for the European market, its really a mystery for this machine on any site. But the ones with the cam attachment on the back look like a wonderfully versatile industrial machine. amateursewing
  6. I am looking at a Singer 807 straight stitch zig zag sewing machine, it seems to be a forerunner of the 20U, and its practically identical to the Bernina 217, I am wondering if anyone knows of this Singer machine and your opinion? I cant find anything about a Singer 807 on google apart from a few photos, more articles are more infromative about the Bernina 217, which seems to take a DPX1 needle, and has a backward facing roatary hook, and a stepped zigzag control on the front (there is not cam arrangement on the back of this machine) would just like your opinion of this machine, thanks amateursewing
  7. I have an industrial bench with a Singer machine, the motor is a Singer motor 250w one, it seems to work OK, but the metal casing gets quite hot, I have take then end with the wring off and it was packed iwth dense fluff which I sucked with a vacuum cleaner and blew out, I havent take then clutch end off yet as I am not sure what it will be like inside there and if I will be able to get it back together again. even with the fluff out of the wiring end it still runs hot, the windings look like new, and there is no scorch damage anywhere on the inside of the wiring end, even a brown label on the wring is still intact. what do you suggest I do? the clutch take up and brake seems to be working fine, only the ribbed modby of the motor does get hot when it is running for about an hour. These photos show the type of motor that it is, thanks Amateursewing
  8. thanks I am not at home with the Pfaff machine right now but will check the position of the upper tension spring, I think it is OK and I bought two new bobbin cases for it off a UK wholesaler, it was practically IMPOSSIBLE to find this bobbin case with the "finger" that points a different way to all other bobbin cases. I dont think its a promblem with the bobbin case though as it sews perfectly on two layers of leather, in fact it sews perfectly on a thick layer of a leather belt but only looped the upper thread when doing the three layers of bikers leather pants. (this is the old original bobbin case - I got two new ones from a UK wholesaler) and this is a photo of the current top tension set up. I looks the same as the way your marked photo set up looks?? thanks, it came with all these amazing feet!!! Laurence
  9. Hi, it is actually a Global ZZ machine which is actually a singer 20U artisan machine with an induction motor mounted in an industrial table. the Pfaff is a 34-6, but the Pfaff 34 works fine with the size 16 needle on two layers of leather but with 3 layers it is the needle thread that is looping on the top of the leather, as though the thread is not being dragged around the shuttle at all, but on the Singer 20U (Global machine) it works fine, these are photos of the machines. Laurence
  10. I am using a size 16 leather needle and a size 35 high quality German polyester leather thead for alterng bikers leathers, on my Pfaff 34 on thicknesses of over 3 layers of leather the thread in the needle seems to ravel up insteadof locking the underthread and making a good stitch. Then I do the same work on my Signer 20 electric machine and on this machine it NEVER loops the needle thread, in fact it only gently has to be handwheeled over the 3-4 think seams and then sews beautifully What is going on here? I supsoect it is somehing to do with the Pfaff 34 treadle, but this WAS a saddles machine, I am using DPx5 leather needles in each machine size 16 needle. Laurecne
  11. I was doing some leather work, quite heavy leather bikers jeans on my Pfaff 34 industrial treadle with a size 35 polyester thread, on double leather layers the machine sews fine but on triple layers the needle thread was constantly ravelling up at the needle point, as thought it was not being pulled by the hook underneath around the shuttle, I tightened up the upper tension alot but it doesnt help, my Singer 20 U machine did it PERFECTLY, albeit a bit hard on some sections but no needle thread reavelling at all, what do you think could be wrong here? I am a bit disappointed with the Pfaff 34 as this was a saddlers machine but it wont sew three layers of leather whereas my Singer 20U (a much lighter strength machine) did it fine. thanks - I was using leather DPX5needles size 16 in the Pfaff 34. and DPx5 size 16 in the Singer 20U. amateursewing
  12. I am using a size 16 leather needle and a size 35 high quality German polysterster leather thead for alterng bikers leathers, on my Pfaff 34 on thicknesses of over 3 the thread in the needs seems to ravel up insteadof locking the underthread and making a good stitch. Then I do the same work on my Signer 20 electric machine and it mahince NEVER loops the needle thread, in fact it only gently has to be handwheeled over the 3-4 think seams and then sews beautfilly. What is going on here? I supsoect it is somehing to do with the Pfaff 34 treadle, but this WAS a saddles machie. Laurecne
  13. Member in Amsterdam with a Pfaff 34 Industrial treadle machine. amateursewing at gmail dot com

  14. Hi, I am in Amsterdam The Netherland, I am new to this forum, after finding a post on here from someone with a Pfaff 34 old industrial machine, I have the same machine, it is in original treadle base, a powerful well used machine, but I want to find a spare bobbin case for it, I have bought a bobbin case for the Singer 31-15 (but it is still in England) from a U.S. ebay seller, I have been told that this will fit the Pfaff 34 from somone on a Yahoo vintage Pfaff group but alot of sellers tell me it wont fit, it looks the same with a short "finger" - I am also looking for the Xhigh shank adaptor piece that makes it possible to use low shank feet with this Xhigh shank machine - any tips and ideas welcome thanks, Laurence
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