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  1. Monica is awesome. I knew nothing about leather work when I went in. She had me set up with what I needed and told me enough info to get me started. She is very thorough and has a great personallity to boot. Come to think of it, it has been a while since I've experienced that level of customer service. The other employees are very helpful and polite as well.
  2. Like a lot of people I am often not around my home PC for extended periods of time. It would be great if I could read the forums in an easier format from my mobile device. I read several other (not leather related) forums on my mobile device using an app called Tapatalk. Would it be possible for the Administrators to enable this function in the forum? Any help would be most appreciated. Keep up the great work. Justin
  3. I guess I am lucky to be so close to the store. I go the Harrisburg store. Allentown is an hour drive or so. Thanks for the comments. I have been practicing my hand stitching and there is a noticable improvement already. I still have a ways to go though. Since I made that piece I purchased a bevel tool and am reading all I can about burnishing. Glad to see some other Pennsylvanians here.
  4. Hello! I am a new member residing in Pa. A few weeks ago I was looking for a specific leather item for my other hobby, bagpiping. I couldn't find what I wanted. Then I found out Tandy was less than 15 minutes away from my house. I ended up going and spending more than I anticipated, but walked out with enough supplies and information to make an attempt at a first project. The bagpiping leather gear was put on the back burner so that I could try a smaller project to practice. I ended up making a case for my phone. It sounds easy enough but I was shocked at how much time and effort can be put into something so simple. Thanks to everyone in the forums. Your knowledge and skill is amazing. Suggestions and ideas are always appreciated
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