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Everything posted by bissetdesign

  1. Not your typical swivel, doesn't mention leather but I can see how it may be useful for fine detail - Not sure about the colour either http://www.xacto.com...-Knife-(1).aspx
  2. I usually do that Bob to be honest, only on the small intricate stuff though that I know will give me a problem. One of my first mistakes a few years back was to try a design that was completely beyond me & I screwed up a nice piece of hide. I've not had any experience of the X-Acto knife Andy, although I have seen them around on the internet, do you use the swivel model?
  3. Hmmm could be Tina, they do look a great knife to use, if only I could get one in UK for a decent price
  4. Thanks Tina I did read on another post about using an angled blade as you say, which I do have but i just doesn't feel comfortable with it, maybe it's down to not using it much & requiring a lot of practice but I much prefer the standard 3/8" straight blade
  5. Hello All My very first post so I'll begin with a big hello to everyone, I'm Paul in UK, joined around a month ago & have been searching the forums & reading some notes on where I can improve on what I already know & try new techniques out & thoroughly enjoying what I'm reading & seeing, especially the stuff from pro's out there. My initial query is concerning fonts & carving them, I have found a couple of posts re carving fonts but didn't really answer my questions so apologies in advance if this has been asked previously, how do I or is it possible to carve a small detailed font which will be in a 10mm/12mm thick scroll above & below a coat of arms? The piece itself is only 150mm x 100mm or 6" x 4" I really do not want to stamp the letters out as its my personal opinion that these letter stamps kind of detract from a nice finished carved piece so I would love to carve the letters in but do not think my experience stretches that far, I reckon the letters will have to be no more than 8mm high to sit nicely inside the scrolls, if possible, does anyone have any experience in carving letters that small & what tips if any can you offer? The scrolls complete with the lettering has been transferred to the cased leather, the coat of arms has been carved & I'm now looking at the scrolls & lettering & I'm thinking 'no way!' & 'hmmmm maybe if I just take my time & go really slow!' Thanks Paul
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